You For Eternity

Chapter 353: My wife didn't say we were married? (2)

Which man will let his own woman like it and don't care about anyone?

Just be hard! What kind of generosity in front of him!

Doesn't he know that man is a man?



When Li Hengzhi came back, Sheng Ming was still standing at the door, and asked indifferently: "Master Sheng is going to watch the night outside?"

"none of your business?"

"Oh, you are free." Li Hengzhi said he would go in after pushing the door.

Now Sheng Ming stood up straight, and suddenly shouted: "Wait!"

He really stopped.

"Do you know that Taozi has a big secret? I bet you will leave her when you know it."



"You don't want to know, what is the secret?"

"I don't want to."

"..." Sheng Ming was choked and vomited blood. Can we play cards according to common sense?

Can you still chat happily for a while!

"When you stay with her, don't you just want to take advantage of her status as the mayor's daughter? You tricked the little girl into desperately. Taozi doesn't know it? Don't you feel shameless?

Li Hengzhi held a cup of iced coffee that he had just tapped in his hand, and raised it casually and took a sip: "She knows."


"I married her because of her status as the daughter of the mayor."

"...?" Sheng Ming said with a black question mark. JPG, "What did you say? Married? Are you married??"

"Huh?" As if on purpose, he looked innocently, "So my wife hasn't told you yet, are we married?"

Silently, a critical strike caused tons of damage to Sheng Ming.


Li Hengzhi is married? ?

So... there is no such thing as being "supported by Li Heng"? She confessed to him before, is she mad at him too?

No one knew the news that he was married, so Sheng Ming couldn't tell whether this was true or not.

But if it is true, where did the news of his engagement with Xue Miaomiao come from?

"Then you... already know that Taozi is an adopted daughter?"

"Well, so what?"

Damn... Really know? Sheng Ming couldn't see any surprised expression on his face, so he believed it.

"Rely... so you are married? Wait..."

After Sheng Ming said this, he realized something was wrong again, "No, Mayor Qian didn't know about it!"

Yes, not only outsiders don’t know, even people from the Qian family and Xiao family don’t know. Everyone thinks Qian Tao was deceived by Li Hengzhi both physically and mentally. Otherwise, she would not have been deceived by her father's family because of this incident. The Fa has served, and it will not be necessary to bring them together because of this matter.

What is going on?

They got married, Uncle Qian didn't even know?

Li Hengzhi was not ready to answer his doubts, leaving him with a question mark on his face, he went in and closed the door.

Until late at night, Li Hengzhi was accompanied in the ward, and he called Yan Hai in the middle and asked him to change the ticket for tomorrow, and wait until next week to talk about the business trip.

Qiantao's frequent incidents made him uneasy.

When thunder bursts in the middle of the night, Li Hengzhi braced his head and just entered a light sleep state, and suddenly woke up.

It's thundering?

He looked in the direction of the hospital bed. Sure enough, Qiantao, who was also awakened, didn't know that he was there. She had already hid under the blanket, and she could see her trembling through the blanket.

He rubbed his eyes and walked over. As soon as he put his hand on the bedding, he heard her crying and screaming in it. His heart was moved and his brows wrinkled.

What is it that has pestered her for so many years?

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