You For Eternity

Chapter 360: My husband didn't satisfy you? (5)

"Tsk tusk tusk, check it out, you're all shameless now, don't you? How long have you been together with that adult? You were completely broken!" Gu Tong kept shaking his head.

The two of them huddled in the corner and drank a bottle of low alcohol. The other people's hi seemed to have nothing to do with them.

Qiantao took a sip, smiled crescents in her eyes, and blinked and admitted, "I was already bad, how can I say bad things, haha..."

After joking, Gu Tong sat upright and said, "Hey, Taozi, then you are not going to divorce him?"

"Look again, it's fine now, what a divorce?"

How long have they healed so quickly that they are restless?

Qiantao found that after getting used to Li Hengzhi's kindness to her, she became less and less dared to mention it to him.

The treatment of mentioning and not mentioning is very different.

Looking at Gu Tong, he smiled and said, "I will enjoy it for a while."

With that, he raised the black card in his hand.

Gu Tong glanced at it and squinted his eyes: "Want to enjoy it for a lifetime...You have to hold this local tyrant firmly. Have you ever thought of holding it firmly and staying next to him for the rest of your life? A complete home. It is good for you and your children."

"Why haven't you thought about it?" Qiantao propped her head with one hand and said, "Who doesn't want such a good thing? Think simple, think about everything in a good direction. But when I look at do I feel a little glamorous How do you feel? I can’t catch it, touch it, or catch it."

"Then do you like him?"

"Like..." Qiantao repeated these two words, and suddenly laughed, "Do you think anyone can dislike him? I like it, rich, good-looking, gentle and killing him. But don't forget, Sometimes he can really kill me."

No matter how good they are now, harmonious and beautiful, and the years are quiet, he is gentle and obedient, just like a model couple.

But the terrible experience half a month ago has left her with lingering fears and cannot forget.

It was also that night that made her remember that Li Hengzhi is not a kind, let alone a living bodhisattva who can save all living beings. He can be a **** or Satan. He becomes a Buddha with one thought, and becomes a devil with one thought. All of this... It just depends on which one he is more willing to do.

Whenever she was about to fall, she warned herself like this in her heart.

"You said that my goose bumps are all up..." Gu Tong felt worried, "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's play happily and max out his card!"

That's right, how can this kind of local tyrant card get so full here?

Qiantao snapped his fingers suddenly and his eyes lit up: "Do you know there is a casino here?"

The others had been drinking for a long time, and it didn't matter where the two of them went, so no one noticed the abnormality after they left, they still sang and danced in the box, playing with their own.

It was also the first time that Gu Tong knew that there was a casino here, and dragged her: "Or forget it...If we really max out the card, the people in this place are not the ones I can beat... "

"It's okay! The big deal is to call President Wuli to redeem someone."

Gu Tong laughed, with a sad face: "But are you sure that the big boss will really come to redeem us? As soon as it sounds too expensive, I will throw us away... How easy is it to find a new wife, why do you redeem it? ?"

"Hi... That's right."

"Walk, let's go play something else."

Gu Tong pulled and found that Qiantao could not be pulled, "How to drop, do you really want to play? Will you play?"

Gu Tong turned back and saw Qiantao staring in one direction.

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