You For Eternity

Chapter 365: The taste of strict wife control (4)

"It's boring..." Miss Li did not take the bait, "You two are boring to die, it's not fun."



"I spent a lot of your money yesterday..." Qiantao took the initiative to report to him.

She dared to say that Li Hengzhi must know, but he said nothing. She didn't know what it meant, but thought it was better to admit it actively.

There is a saying, be lenient in confession and strict in resistance! As soon as she confessed, he might not check where the money went.

Sure enough, he nodded: "I saw it."

"Don't you ask?"


"Ask where are the flowers? Why do they spend so much?"

Li Hengzhi: "Why ask?"

Qiantao: "..."

So she thinks too much...?

"When you come back from Jiangchuan, let Nianxin accompany you to go shopping, what to buy, what to buy, nothing, too shabby."

"Where is..." How can it be so exaggerated! Not so embarrassing! They also have famous brands...

Qiantao thought this way, glanced at Li Nianxin's outfit, and decided to shut up.

Well, compared with Miss Li's family, that's still a big distance.

Li Nianxin heard their topic and turned back from the window: "Taozi, how much is a lot of money?"

"So many, many zeros..."

Li Nianxin laughed out loud, and said with a bright smile: "Looking back, I will introduce you to the little skirt in my cabinet. One is a lot of zeros. So, my brother's money, you just spend it. He won’t feel sorry for this small amount of money. Besides, he is worried about making too much money, and thinks that I can’t spend it all by myself. Now it’s too late for him to be happy with you.

Thousand peaches.

Is this the trouble of the rich?

Perhaps some people said it was zhuangbility and showed off, but Li Nianxin said it was a real fact. She saw the word "sorrow" on her face. Who made her brother...

Really rich!

"Just you talk a lot." Li Hengzhi drove with one hand, not interested in their topics, turned on the phone with the other hand, as if watching something.

Qiantao suddenly said: "Husband, don't play with mobile phones while driving. It's dangerous."

Although Li Hengzhi did not speak, he silently put the phone aside.

Li Nianxin saw this scene in his eyes and raised his eyebrows: "The air is filled with the smell of strict control..."

is not that right? Since Sister Zhitong, she has never seen her brother listen to someone like this.

"Li Nianxin, you have been very worried about where you should spend your money lately." Li Hengzhi's faint tone meant a threat.

"No, no!" Li Nianxin said with a smile and hurriedly shook his head, "I just saw a yacht, and I have to pay when I come back from Jiangchuan! My dear great brother, don't stop my card! "


Qiantao only thinks that their brother and sister are funny.

However, is the eldest lady serious about yachts?

Uncle Li in the car.

Aunt Li sat in the passenger seat, so Gu Tong naturally had to sit in the back. Originally not interested in things outside, Li Tianyou, who collapsed on his seat and took a nap while wearing a blindfold, did not find anyone sitting next to him.

Aunt Li knew that he was still asleep, so she turned to pat his leg: "God, get up and say hello to Tong Tong before going to sleep."

"Who?" When Li Tianyou heard the name, he took off his blindfold and looked at Gu Tong with wide eyes, "Where did you come out?"

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