You For Eternity

Chapter 372: She is not Chu Chu (3)

"But Taozi, how do you remember it so clearly, it was eight years ago?" Li Nianxin asked, wondering.

Hearing this, Li Hengzhi also raised his head.

As careful as he was, he had actually discovered it a long time ago, but didn't mention it.

Most people don’t remember their own affairs clearly, and the brain is not a computer, so you can find information with just a search?

When did they get engaged, she remembered so clearly.

"Of course," Qiantao smiled, without seeing anything abnormal on her face, "because when they got engaged, it happened to be the worst time I ever got sick, lying in bed half-dead, and seeing other people show as soon as I turned on TV. Enai, someone else is getting engaged, and I'm struggling with the illness. I feel uncomfortable. Can you remember?"

Li Hengzhi said: "Their engagement banquet is interrupted."

"Huh?" Qiantao turned to look at him, "I was watching the replay of the next day. Only a little bit of the scene was shown, and there was no accident."

Li Hengzhi's voice couldn't hear any waves either, he just narrated plainly: "I will definitely do a good job in public relations."

"Then why is it interrupted? Someone is robbing the man?" Qiantao said and laughed.

Li Hengzhi looked at her and said calmly: "Who knows."

Seeing that there was no answer, Qiantao stopped asking, and continued to chat with Li Nianxin.

Li Hengzhi didn't say anything, doing his own thing, no one mentioned Ye Yunshen's thing.

Only Li Tianyou raised his eyebrows and began to feel that something was wrong...

How does he feel... a little weird?


The Bai family arranged the same hotel for the guests, the best in Jiangchuan.

Uncle Li, Aunt Li, Li Tianyou, Li Niuxin, Qiantao Nature and Li Heng.

Presidential suites are limited. In addition, many of the guests who will come to the engagement banquet tomorrow are people who are equivalent to Li Hengzhi. The presidential suite is reserved for people like them. The Li Tianyou family lives in a luxury business second to the presidential suite. room.

There were still a few hours before the Baijia family banquet. Several people couldn't stay still. Li Nianxin wanted to take Qiantao who came to Jiangchuan for shopping for the first time.

Li Hengzhi came out of the room, still on the phone, and ordered Li Tianyou: "I have something else, you take them two, pay attention to safety."

Li Tianyou took the card he handed over and smiled: "Okay! The good thing of shopping with two big beauties must be given to me!"

Li Hengzhi trusted him and patted him on the shoulder: "I will leave it to you."

"Husband, it's hard to come out to play once, you still have to go to the office?" In the lobby on the first floor, a few people were about to separate, Qiantao took his hand, "Let's go together?"

Li Hengzhi turned his head and touched her head: "Hey, let God accompany you. I will see a friend."

In fact, Qiantao understands in her heart that the engagement banquets and wedding banquets of these people cannot be just for private affairs. With so many people gathered together, it is inevitable to take the opportunity to discuss some commercial cooperation, which can be regarded as a kind of business dinner.

So on the other hand, it was also one of the reasons why she did not like him to make up the wedding. At that time, things will become less pure, and she will have to bother to deal with those monsters and ghosts.

Li Hengzhi's world is different from her.

As soon as the VIP elevator door opened, several people came out one after another.

Qiantao watched them come and walked in front. The man who did not lose Li Hengzhi stopped in front of them and said hello to Li Hengzhi: "Long time no see."

"Long time no see." Li Hengzhi also shook his hand.

Isn't this... Feng Jingyan?

Qiantao recognizes him.

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