You For Eternity

Chapter 377: I'm here, don't be afraid (4)

When they ran to the bathroom, they saw a man fell to the ground in pain. Gu Xi knelt on the ground, holding a piece of porcelain with blood in both hands, trying hard to press down on his heart and stab him to death. .

Looking forward, a girl about ten years old is sitting naked on the ground, crying.

"Gu Xi!" Li Tianyou went over to stop her immediately.

After Li Nianxin was taken aback for a while, he also reacted and rushed to help, but Qiantao took a step back, looking at all this, his gaze was lost, he staggered under his feet, and fell directly to the ground.

Fragments of memory kept pouring up, his eyes were full of fear, and his body trembled, "Ah—"

She suddenly cried in her arms.

When Li Tianyou and Li Nianxin looked back, they didn't know what was happening, only when she was frightened by the scene in front of her. Now the more important thing is the hurting Gu Xi.

The back of the man's head was full of blood. Gu Xi thought he saw it when he molested the girl, and Gu Xi picked up the flowerpot on the side and slammed it on his head.

Li Tianyou was surprised to find that Gu Xi seemed to have exhausted all his strength. That kind of strength was like a kind of belief, so terribly big that it took her away easily.

Li Tianyou subdued the troubled man: "Beast! Don't move!"

Li Nianxin grabbed Gu Xi, gritted his teeth and snatched the tiles in her hand, only then found out that the blood in her hands was not from the middle-aged man, it was caused by holding the tiles too hard.

She smashed Li Nianxin away, then rushed towards the man fiercely, shouting: "Disgusting! I killed you! I will kill you! You shouldn't live in this world!"

Such Gu Xi is far from the innocent Gu Xi before. Her eyes were full of anger, and she was dazzled by the anger.

The staff who came after him immediately helped, and only then did the excited Gu Xi subdue the excited Gu Xi.

Li Nianxin was free now. Looking at Qiantao who was overwhelmed by the fright, she was trembling, and when she called Li Hengzhi, her voice was a little crying: "Hello? Brother... Brother Feng Jingyan and you are coming soon. Up."


Three people rushed to the hospital, Li Hengzhi, Feng Jingyan, and Bai Yujing.

Li Tianyou glanced at Li Heng: "You can count it."

He will be crazy if he doesn't come again!

In addition to the client in the ward, there are people from the police.

The middle-aged man bandaged the wound and lay on the bed, looking at the girl who had been staring at him in horror, thinking that she was too scary. If someone else hadn't come just now, she would really kill him, not kidding.

Gu Xi was sitting on the sofa with blood in his handcuffed hands. No matter how many people there were, how the police warned her, her cannibalistic eyes were staring at the man, and she wanted to go up and hit people whenever there was a gap. .

Seeing this scene in the ward, the three men rushed in and went to find the person they were looking for.

Li Nianxin and Qiantao were sitting far away from Gu Xi. Before Li Nianxin could relax, his eyes were red. Bai Yujing saw that her clothes were full of blood, and she was shocked: "Nianxin! Where is it hurt? Why sit here and not move? What about the doctor?"

He asked Li Tianyou, Li Tianyou said he was innocent, and he didn't know what to pick up after the word "I".

Li Hengzhi came to Qiantao and saw that there was no blood on her body. He felt relieved and squatted down. Qiantao hugged herself in a protective posture, her eyes blank, as if she had not come out of panic. His gaze changed from anxious at the beginning to gentle, and he opened the hair on her forehead and asked her, "Look at me. I'm here, don't be afraid."

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