You For Eternity

Chapter 382: Don't want to know our relationship? (1)

His voice became darker: "What Gu Xi said is correct?"

He could feel her body stiff.

She shook her head, nodded again, and then shook her head again, her thoughts confused.

Li Hengzhi gave up and compromised: "Forget it, don't mention it."

It was cruel to ask her to think about things again at this time.

"Thank you..." She opened her eyes and looked ahead with a heavy gaze.


The Bai family set up a family banquet in their own home. There were several tables. The main table was all important people, including the old lady of the Bai family, the master of the Bai family, Bai Yuming, Li Yunyan, and the second master.

Qiantao knew these few people, and she didn't know the others.

She and Li Hengzhi were also invited to this table, and the other two tables were either juniors or people whose identities were not comparable to this table.

As guests, Li Tianyou's family also sat on the table beside them.

Qian Tao didn't know what was going on with the Bai family, only from the perspective of age and seat knowledge, the position of Mrs. Bai family was vacant.

Judging from the conversation between Nianxin and Bai Erye that day, the name Bai Erye and the steward gave to Li Yunyan, even though Mrs. Bai's position was suspended, she was sitting next to Bai Yuming at this time, but it seemed... Still didn't become the real Mrs. Bai family.

Otherwise, Bai Erye should not call her sister Yan, but sister-in-law. Managers and servants should also call her husband right.

With such an embarrassing identity, it is no wonder that Nian Xin doesn't like staying in the Bai family and suffers the eyes of others in the Bai family.

At the dinner table, the old lady of the Bai family kept coughing and his face was not very good.

I am ninety years old, and I have only been in good health for these years.

The old lady said, "What about Nianxin? Why didn't you see Nianxin?"

From this Qiantao guessed that at least the old lady was not bad at thinking, and she was still thinking of her at this time.

Li Yunyan turned around, looked at the table of the junior, and shouted happily: "Nianxin, come quickly, grandpa calls you, come and let grandpa take a look."

She said to the old lady again: "This kid has been busy since graduation. He doesn't know what he is busy with. He has never had time to come and see your old man."

"Oh..." The old lady responded indifferently, looking forward, wanting to see the great-grandchild who hadn't seen him for a long time, but didn't expect much from Li Yunyan.

Li Nianxin frowned and seemed to resist coming to this table very much.

"Nianxin!" Li Yunyan shouted again, his voice hardened a bit.

Qiantao looked at it, and felt that the atmosphere was a bit unpleasant. Glancing at Li Hengzhi next to him, he had a non-self-interested attitude and didn't intend to interfere in the affairs of the Bai family, so she obediently drank a sip of red wine.

At this moment, Bai Yujing stood up directly, walked towards the table, grabbed Li Nianxin's hand, as if to force her to their table.

Li Nianxin raised his head to look at him, resisting hard, pursing his lips and stiffening, his eyes seemed to say no.

Bai Yujing didn't step back, his eyes were filled with an attitude that could not be rejected, and he lowered his voice: "In the past."

Li Nianxin was hardly stubborn, stalemate, looking at him with a firm gaze, and opened his mouth, "Don't go!" Because it was too light, most people couldn't hear what she said.

"I'll just say it once, come here!"

The old man looked at this side and shouted: "What's the matter? I haven't seen you in a few years, and Nianxin hasn't even recognized my grandfather? Let me see, my little great-granddaughter..."

The old man said that he was about to get up, and Bai Yuming stopped: "Grandpa! Sit down and I will let Nianxin come over and see you."

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