You For Eternity

Chapter 435: Would he be sad if she died? (2)

Li Hengzhi didn't speak, his eyes focused on Qiantao, and then he hugged her up.

The skin he touched was almost cold. I am afraid that he was frightened just now, and his whole body was cold.

There are good and bad hypnotherapy, and the bad is bad. The patient needs to experience the traumatic scene again. It is undoubtedly...a torture.

Without saying a word, he hugged Qiantao and left, leaving Yu Zhitong and her doctor friend standing.

"Eh -" the doctor glanced at them, then turned to look at Yu Zhitong and said, "Zhitong, has he changed?"

Yu Zhitong recovered and smiled reluctantly.

Even Qianqian can see it, which means it's not her illusion, doesn't it?

"Did you find out?"

"He didn't feel like this to me before... at least he didn't treat you--"

Seeing Yu Zhitong's expression, Wu Qian suddenly stopped what she wanted to say.

"In my opinion, this man has a wife, it is different," Wu Qian pulled the atmosphere back, "So, this thankless thing, I don't suggest you continue to do it, see him treat his wife For my baby! We are doctors, can we still harm her?"


In the elevator.

"Okay, you let me down."

"You are shaking all over, can you stand?"

She pursed her lips and looked elsewhere.

He can feel her when he holds her.

Hypnosis... she didn't expect it before she went in. Just for a moment, she remembered too many real clips. Shaking is only a sequelae.

She squeezed her hand and tried her best to stop the shaking.

"Why do you blame sister Yu?"

His reaction just now was overwhelming.

"You shouldn't have come in. They are doctors and they know what to do. If it's not good for me, they will definitely stop. You just came in and interrupted the treatment, how can you proceed?"

That said, but she was more grateful to him for rushing in to rescue her than anyone else.

She made a lot of determination to face the past, but in fact she did not have so much courage. Some memories were terrible. If possible, she would never want to remember them again in her life.

"...Forget it, let's talk about the treatment later."

Yes, he obviously proposed to receive treatment, but he couldn't help it.

Without treatment, he couldn't stand her when she was in love with the scene; he couldn't stand the process of treatment.



After staying in Jiangchuan for a few days and Li Nianxin's injury healed a lot, Li Hengzhi finally decided to leave.

The business trip days that have been pushed back since last week have reached the point where they can no longer be pushed.

Yan Hai had already burned his ass, but didn't dare to urge him explicitly, so he had to ask Qiantao for some news from time to time.

"Then, brother, you are going on a business trip, and the sister-in-law will be fine if she goes back to Haicheng by herself. Why not stay with me."

"You want to be beautiful."

Li Nianxin made no effort.

"Sister-in-law is still in the hotel?"

"Well, still sleeping."

"You shouldn't have..."

"Li Nianxin." He warned in a low voice.

Li Nian's heart is slumped, and if you don't ask, don't ask... Isn't it 18. Forbidden! She is twenty-two now!

"Brother, you still didn't tell your sister-in-law about Sister Zhitong, did you?"

"No," he replied, "It's been too messy lately. Wait a while."

"I can remind you, brother, don't die! Sister Zhitong is in the past tense, now Taozi is your wife, don't hold the bowl, think about the pot. Otherwise, you will regret it later. !"

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