You For Eternity

Chapter 439: Would he be sad if she died? (6)

What is going on?

Qiantao didn't want to understand what happened, and Ye Yun had a deep panoramic view.

"Is Mrs. Li looking for someone?"

"Oh...your fiancee...isn't it together?"

"She's back to the water."

"Back to the water...then you are..."

Haicheng who also went to?

"Well, something happened to Haicheng temporarily. I didn't expect to fly with Mrs. Li."

"Oh... this way..." Qiantao nodded, smiled at him, and sat down.

Probably it was too impetuous, and a little bit dry. I kept moving around on the seat, and my hands were restlessly squeezing things, which seemed a little deliberate.

"Mrs. Li?"

"Huh?" As if shocked, he was shocked.

"What's wrong with you? Are you looking for something?"

"Oh no..." She tucked her hair and smiled, "No, sitting uncomfortable, adjust it."

"Position relationship? Let me change it with you."

"No—no need! No need..." He said, putting on his blindfold.

Will he have to sit next to her for the next hour or so?

Ye Yunshen closed the book in his hand, looked at her sideways, and lowered his thoughts.

Not like.

At this moment, it didn't look like a lot.

Except for that face exactly the same.

After the plane rose to level flight, it was already half an hour later. At this time, Qiantao adjusted his seat and chose to lie down and rest.

Time passed quickly, Qiantao squinted for a while, waking up to check the time, got up and went to the bathroom. Just when she came out and was about to return to her seat, the plane shook. Qiantao and the few flight attendants who were not in their positions were swayed out and fell directly to the ground.

"Is it all right?" Ye Yunshen hurriedly untied the safety belt to help her.

The flight attendant got up and leaned on the armchair: "Sir, please go back to your seat, now the plane is encountering a draft—ah—"

There were many people's exclamations in the plane, the airflow was caught off guard, and the captain dropped sharply in order to avoid danger. Ye Yunshen hugged Qiantao, and due to inertia, he rolled to the bottom and hit the baffle before stopping.

Qiantao only felt that his forehead hit the muscles of his chest.

"Um... it hurts..."

"Stop talking, get back to your seat!"

The plane was stable for a short while, and everyone took advantage of this time to return to their seats and fasten their seat belts. However, just a minute later, the fuselage jolts again, and the extent to which the water cup is shaken out of the water is directly turned into an extremely strong jolt when the luggage racks are all opened.

The voice of the flight attendant reminding passengers on the radio trembled.

The oxygen mask has fallen off, and everyone hastily grabbed it and put it on. There were even some crying, and the whole cabin was panicked.

Ye Yunshen took the oxygen mask and put it on for her, and grabbed her trembling hand.

At that moment, her trembling stopped.

His hands are so warm.

"Don't be afraid."

She burst into tears.

She was really frightened when the incident happened suddenly, but now that the bumps are so severe, no one knows what their future will be.

They might die...

Thousand One...

She was terribly scared as long as she thought of Qianyi's face.

She can't feel it when she is dead, but what about her Qianyi? Of course, if she died, Tong Tong would definitely bring Qianyi to Li Hengzhi's side, but Qianyi was so smart that the news of her death could not be kept from him.

Li Hengzhi...

Would he be sad if she died?

"Will we die?" she asked.

"Perhaps." Ye Yunshen was not so scared.

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

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