You For Eternity

Chapter 463: Let's go to see dad (10)

Hearing the sound, Gu Tong just washed his head and ran out, "What's the matter? Why are you two crying? My little one thousand one, how come you are crying like this! I feel so distressed!"

When have you cried so much?

Gu Tong was terrified.

Qiantao was too late to explain, so she hugged Qianyi with red eyes, "Will Qianyi stop crying, okay? Go together tomorrow, don't cry, mom's heart is broken cheri..."

Qianyi slowly calmed down, and two small red eyes looked at her: "Really?"

"Of course it's true! We not only want to go, but also take Uncle Gu Yan to go hiking, let uncle take things, okay? Then your mother will take you to see auntie and auntie."

"I don't want to see my auntie..." with a nasal voice.

"Puff......" Qiantao laughed, "not the aunt of Qian's family, but mother's sister."

"You still have a sister?"

"Well, you will know tomorrow."

Qianyi finally stopped crying, and Qiantao went back to her room. As soon as Gu Tong turned his head, Qianyi, who had tears in his eyes, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

"Oh~!!!" Gu Tong came over and rushed over, "Fuck Qianyi, you are--"

"Who told Qian Xiaotao to hide anything from me? I also want to go to Linshui to see what she is going to do."

"Little guy! How come the acting is so good? I feel so distressed, don't talk about your mother, you see it scared her!" Gu Tong sat down, "Don't worry, no matter how your mother is hiding from you, it will For your own good. She was in a bad mood today, and you scared her so much."

"Why are you in a bad mood?"

"You, do you know why we are going to Linshui tomorrow?"

"Go to see auntie?"

"It's okay to see my auntie, but we are going to the cemetery." Anyway, Qianyi wants to know tomorrow, Gu Tong said directly.

Qianyi got out of bed and ran to another room, "Mom~"

Qiantao was shocked when she was about to make a call, but fortunately, she hadn't dialed out yet...

"what happened, Babe?"

As soon as she turned around, Qianyi bumped into her, holding her leg, looking up and saying, "I'm sorry..."

"What's the matter?" Qiantao squatted down without understanding, "I should say I'm sorry, my mother didn't take care of you..."

Qianyi shook her head, kissed her on the face, hugged her neck, full of guilt, and her voice was very soft: "I'm sorry, sorry..."

"There really is no baby, you are so good."

What happened to this kid today? Don't say he was wrong, it was really wrong, so soft and cute, how could she still blame it?

Qiantao felt very warm in her heart, and hugged him: "Baby, do you know, you are the best and best gift from God."


Seeing Li Tianyou, Qiantao was stunned for a moment: "This is your friend?"

Gu Yan couldn't walk away today, so Gu Tong said to call his friend... the friend is... God? ?

She has a dumbfounding feeling.

These two people...have become friends?

Put Qianyi on the safety seat and fix it, Li Tianyou suddenly blinked at Gu Tong, but Qiantao didn't see it.

"By the way, sister-in-law, cousin will be there later, so please take your cousin's car."

"What?!" Qiantao was shocked, "he wants to go too?"

This news was really caught off guard!


Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here! Li Hengzhi's car had been parked behind Li Tianyou.

Li Tianyou didn't intend to take her, so he drove out.

"Did you inform?" Gu Tong turned his head and looked behind, "Suddenly come like this, you have to scare Tao Zi to death."

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