You For Eternity

Chapter 465: Mother is jealous (2)

"En." Li Hengzhi nodded, looked around and stepped on the accelerator.

Li Tianyou, what is your idea, I don't know?

Qiantao murmured in her heart and grunted.

When you have an order, it will be up to you what to do! As she thought, she was eager to find Li Tianyou.

In fact, it is not a big deal to let Li Hengzhi come, but she was caught off guard without notifying her in advance. She would remember this account!

"What do you mean by looking for someone to settle accounts?"

"Huh?" Upon hearing this, he immediately cleaned up his expression and smiled, "No, you read it wrong."

"Um... maybe."

Li Hengzhi stared ahead, started to accelerate, and drove seriously.

She thought he didn't know what she was thinking?

It must be blame God for informing him.

Going for fun, I would rather look for God than him. How can he settle this account with her?

But this is not his purpose.

He will put aside the company's affairs and say that the reason why he wants to go together is not because they want to play, but because the destination they are going to is—


After contacting Ye Yunshen, it became a city name that he couldn't help but care about.

In the beginning, Linshui was just Linshui, but after discovering the unusual connection between them, it was more than just a city unrelated to him.

"But, what's the matter with God You and Gu Tong?" He asked, "Are they all right?"

"I just found out. Originally, Gu Yan was asked to go with him. Gu Yan couldn't ask for leave. Tong Tong said that she still had a friend. How did I know that it was God Bless? The two of them chased after two days ago, and now they seem to have become Friends, I am also depressed..."

"It turned out to be like this." His eyes changed.

Qiantao didn't know that she accidentally explained something.

"It's okay. It's okay to start with friends. Many lovers evolve from friends. It's more natural to get along with friends. If you can't fall in love at first sight, let's fall in love for a long time."

Qiantao bit her finger and looked out the window with a terrible expression.

Oh my god... Ever since he vaguely said this idiom in her ear one night, she has no longer been able to look directly at the four words "Rijiushengqing", she just wanted to get it wrong!

Li Hengzhi saw her subtle expression from the reflective mirror on the window and smiled: "Why is it so dirty? Where did you want to go."

"Who...who thought about it!" After speaking, he covered his face with a soft voice, "It's not because of you..."

Li Hengzhi smiled and said nothing, thinking that her appearance was a little cute.

He was fortunate that she had never appeared in front of anyone else before. He was the only one who had seen her. This is enough.

Along the way, they have been chatting piecemeal, because they have been together for a long time, and now they have developed a relationship that will not be embarrassing when the two are alone. Naturally, Qiantao will not even have any concerns about that. How to get along with him, what topics to find to maintain the atmosphere and other concerns.

"By the way, why suddenly think of going to Linshui to play?" Li Hengzhi naturally brought the topic to this.

Qiantao raised her eyes quickly, stiffened unconsciously, and shook her head and said, "No, Linshui is also close to Haicheng. I haven't been to much, just go to play."

"Oh, like this."

She hasn't been to places very much, but she would go there every year when she was fifteen to eighteen years old at a time like today?

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