You For Eternity

Chapter 475: Then get divorced (2)

But he has never seen this tag, never seen her carry it with him, why today?

At this time, Qiantao, who had just entered the room not long ago, came out again. He watched her anxiously come downstairs, his eyes were sweeping around on the ground, and he didn't look at him, so he went outside.

"What are you looking for?"

Qiantao seemed to have not heard his question, and kept looking for it with her head down.

After she turned around, Li Hengzhi glanced at the tag in his hand, threw it into the dirt beside the steps, and turned back into the hall, pretending that he didn't know anything and saw nothing.

He was sitting on the sofa, watching her spinning around outside, and the moment he finally found out, there was joy in his eyes, and he had a panoramic view.

Needless to say, she was looking for this tag. Seeing her anxious appearance, she knew that it must be very important to her.

More and more curious, what does this thing represent?

But soon, he found that her expression was a bit wrong.

The moment she found it was the joy of being lost and regained, but soon she continued to look around. The loneliness in her eyes showed that she seemed to have lost more than one.

She probably didn't find it. She quietly put the things back in her pocket, and when she came in, she saw Li Hengzhi, and she was shocked: "My husband, why are you sitting here?"

Li Hengzhi didn't say what he saw. He watched the news on the tablet and said quietly, "I've been here all the time. I can't hear you when I talk to you. I don't know what you are looking for."

"Oh nothing...just a little thing, I have found it."

"Really found it?"

Isn't it one less?

"Yeen, I found it, then I will go back to sleep first."

"Well," he nodded, "Go ahead and take a good rest."

Seeing her back hurriedly upstairs, Li Hengzhi remained silent.

She is an extremely smart woman. She thinks twice about what she says to him on weekdays, what should be said and what should not be said, she has a spectrum in her heart, even if there are loopholes, it will quickly cover the past.

But today's thoughts seem to be a little messy. Although the logic is correct, it is not so meticulous. You can deceive others, but you can't deceive him.

She must have been somewhere, that place is the purpose of her coming to the water.

Qiantao, Qiantao, how many secrets do you have?


Why can't I find it...

If it fell together, it should be here, and it won't be found.

Looking around, there was only the "Chu Nian" tag, but "Chu Chu" was gone.

Didn't... not fall in the holiday house?

Was it where I fell a while ago?

This tag is made of ordinary materials. It is not a precious thing. If someone passes by, it will not want to pick it up. If it really falls there, you can look for it later, and it should still be there.

Thinking about this, she was indeed a little tired, and lay down to rest.


Li Hengzhi opened the door and saw Qiantao lying on the sofa without taking off his shoes, curled up and fell asleep.

Said that he would deal with it, but the wound on his knee was not cleaned at all.

He shook his head, then went downstairs to get the medicine kit, squatted by the sofa, and gently disinfected her with medicine.

He occasionally observes her reaction. When it hurts, his eyelashes will be inflamed and his eyes will turn, but he does not wake up and looks tired.

That state is not physical exhaustion, but psychological.

He put his big hand on her cheek, his thumb wiped the wetness from the corners of her eyes, and said softly, "Sleep well."

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