You For Eternity

Chapter 477: Then get a divorce (4)

He whispered in her ear, "I told you, I will not force you to remove your scars. When you think it's ok, tell me. I know, you must have encountered something just now. , You came to the water not just to play. You came to meet someone, right? That person is very important to you."

Qiantao was startled.

But when I think of my previous abnormal behavior, I understand.

He is so thoughtful that it is strange that he can't guess.

Seeing her silence, he continued: "You don't have to answer me, but I'm still going to guess the person you want to meet—"

Before he finished speaking, Qiantao's raised hand blocked his mouth.

She raised her head, looked at him, and shook it gently: "It's not Ye Yunshen..."

This answer was beyond Li Hengzhi's expectations.

not him?

Qiantao saw the sudden accident in his eyes. She nodded and said, "I promise you, it's not him."

After a while, she said: "It's not him, but I saw him just now. But he didn't see me. It's a coincidence...Do you believe me?"

If it’s another man, in this case, I’m afraid I’ve already been suspicious, and will not believe it, right?

And Li Hengzhi, after thinking for a while, nodded: "Okay, I believe you."

Qiantao smiled and smiled very well. He wrapped his hands around his waist and hugged him in a very soft voice: "I want to tell you a lot, and it is very complicated. My thoughts are still messed up, I don't know. Where do I start to tell you."

"Speak slowly, don't worry."

The secrets in her are not so important to him and will not affect her image in his heart.

He wanted to know, and just wanted to know her better, and wanted to help her get out of the gloom as soon as possible.

"Thank you for giving me time..."

It can be known that he did what he promised her and didn't investigate her, otherwise he knew everything about her clearly. Why wait here for her to confess?

"You also know that I was adopted... Linshui... is actually my hometown. Before being adopted, I lived in the orphanage here. It is not the new one now, but the original one, which was burned by the fire. ."


It was reasonable but unexpected.

He did not specifically investigate the adoption. Qianjia also hid it well. Even her stepmother Liu Hui and her sister Qian Churui did not know that she was not Qian Chenghai’s biological daughter. Only Qian Cheng Haihe was involved in this matter. She knew it herself, plus his uncle.

Now there are more people like them.

But unexpectedly, Linshui is her hometown?

Qiantao did not go on.

Three days and three nights could not be finished, but she was still tired, leaning lazily, and didn't want to talk.

In the evening, they prepared the BBQ ingredients. Gu Tong rummaged through it and didn't find it. He asked, "Did we forget to bring pepper? How can this be delicious without pepper!"

"There are a lot of shops in the resort, there should be some for sale, I'll look for them." Li Tianyou said.

"I'll go, I'm well rested, walking around."

By the way, look for the missing tag.

"I'll go with you!" Gu Tong also stood up.

"I'll go with her," Li Hengzhi stood up, "you are waiting here."

Li Tianyou pulled down the corner of Gu Tong's clothes from the bottom, his eyes seemed to say: a little bit of insight!

Gu Tonggan laughed and sat down again.

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