You For Eternity

Chapter 507: You really think you are Mrs. Li (4)

After looking at the gifts they brought over, they removed all the reminders, leaving behind the ginseng soup to replenish the body.

"Stuff left, everyone left, don't disturb her."


It's okay for them not to see it, but Ye Yunshen, who indirectly caused today's tragedy, thinks that he should be the person who wants to go in and visit the most at this moment, even if he just said sorry to her personally.

Especially... She still has the same face as Chu Chu, and he must be as uncomfortable as he had harmed Chu Chu now.

Li Hengzhi's sight finally fell on Ye Yunshen: "Especially you, get out now, don't bother her."

His attitude towards Ye Yunshen was particularly bad.

The tolerance and patience before, after he almost knew the truth, disappeared.

Some people should disappear completely in her world.

Seeing Li Hengzhi's uncompromising, they were all pulling Ye Yunshen, and persuaded him: "Forget it, Yunshen... or wait for the anger of Li Hengzhi to die. It's not a solution."

Since no one could enter, a few people helped push Ye Yunshen out.

The people in the dark hide, leaning against the wall, watching them disappear into sight.

Mu Qinxin put on his sunglasses, looked out again, and Li Hengzhi turned and entered.

I heard that Qiantao had an accident. It seems to be true?

Li Hengzhi reopened the door of the ward and took a look. She was still sleeping well, so she closed it. He needed a drink to refresh himself, and he barely slept last night.

Hearing the door closing again, and with the sound of footsteps drifting away, Qiantao slowly opened his eyes.

She doesn't know what time it is now, she has no concept of time now.

The decoration style of the ward is relatively light and the color is relatively simple.

The ceiling is white, the window is slightly open, and the breeze blows in, and the curtains flutter gently.

Her hand holding the infusion needle was a little cold, and she slowly lifted it up and placed it on her abdomen.

My eyes were kept open, and I looked at a place that hadn't been turned, and tears fell so unconsciously, soaking the pillow.

Qiantao soon became a little choked, raising her other hand, covering her eyes, and sobbing.

I am sorry……

Baby, mom, I'm sorry...


Before picking up Qiantao and returning to the holiday house, Li Hengzhi told Li Tianyou and Gu Tongqian that they must guard their mouths and don't miss out in front of her.

In the car, Qiantao leaned on the seat, tilted her head slightly, looking at Li Hengzhi, and asked, "My husband...why do I feel so tired? I can't get enough energy and still feel a little pain..."

Li Hengzhi was driving, and after observing that the road was very empty, he touched her head with a hand: "You said, would you dare to jump into the water like this next time? My life is almost gone. Can you not be tired after walking around the ghost gate?"

"That's it... I won't dare next time."

"Just know."

Qiantao smiled slightly and said nothing.

Maybe he didn't even notice it, but his behavior was different from usual. After this happened, the tone of his speech to her was like caring for a fragile porcelain doll, the decibels were too small.

Even if she didn't hear that fact, she would be suspicious...

"I'm sorry..." She lowered her head in a soft voice.

Sorry, she lost their second baby.

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