You For Eternity

Chapter 616: You are my biological son (8)

In addition, Linshui’s remarks about her are one-sided, which is very unfavorable to her. After all these are involved with bad girls, everything becomes natural. Many so-called "insiders" jumped out and said Those "heards" about her become true and credible. Even if they don't have any evidence, netizens are still willing to believe the truth of those things.

Chu Chu flipped through a post casually, and the revelations about her were so ridiculous.

The so-called breaking the news is actually turning on the black, talking about completely irrelevant things to get the heat.

But it happens that some people believe it.

She didn't know until this moment why he locked her at home and even confiscated her mobile phone.

He just didn't want her to pay attention to these things.

It is true that I learned about this after the storm subsided, and it was much calmer than I knew then.

However, this is clearly a premeditated hacking incident.

Those photos are only owned by the Ye family, even the private detective back then, he has no reason to hack her.

She can only think of the Ye family and the Mu family.

This incident must have nothing to do with Ye Yunshen, he will never let anything disturb "Chu Chu".

However, if only she was black, it would be fine.

They dragged down the water together, and her sister's reputation!


Because of the incident a few days ago, in addition to becoming the "Mrs. Li" that the whole city has watched, Chu Chu has another confusing identity.

Her sudden appearance surprised the TV station people.

Although the incident has subsided, how could Qiantao, who had been using sick leave as an excuse, suddenly come out again? Didn't she know that once she appeared, she might bring the matter back to its original height?

Chu Chu went to find Gu Tong, and even Gu Tong was shocked: "Why don't you stay at home?"

"Tong Tong, help me make a live broadcast, I must clarify this matter."

Gu Tong's eyes widened: "Are you crazy? What can I do to clarify this kind of thing? Li Dana has already handled it, and it will calm down in two days. Leave it alone. Also, Ye—"

"I have to make it clear about this. It's okay to ruin my reputation, I don't care, I didn't care before, and now I don't care, but I can't implicate my sister, so that her reputation will be damaged!"

Gu Tong glanced at her behind, and kept shaking her head: "No... listen to me, after you--"

"Don't stop me. My sister has already died because of me. I can't let her carry unreasonable charges after her death. I must admit to the whole world that my true identity is."

"Your true identity is Chu Chu?"

Chu Chu's eyes widened slightly.

Gu Tong nodded and pointed behind her. She just wanted to tell her that Ye Yunshen is here!

Everyone in the press department looked at them.

Ye Yunshen, they know, that young master Ye from Linshui! In the previous revelation, isn't he the protagonist? ?

He actually appeared here, what does that mean?

They really know each other!

In other words, the previous materials are more real!

Chu Chu also never thought that under such circumstances, he would meet Ye Yunshen again.

She turned around, Ye Yunshen's eyes were already a little moist, he looked at the person in front of him, unbelievable.

When he came, he had such a guess, but he didn't dare to think about it.

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