You For Eternity

Chapter 625: Dad, the baby needs to eat meat (6)

"Second Lord... Do you want to continue to check?"

"Not for the time being."

No matter how you check it, nothing will be found at present.

Bai Yujing waved his hand and motioned his subordinates to leave.

He returned to the ward, watching Li Nianxin staring at the child on the bed intently, his expression nervous, and he didn't relax for a second.

He knew this feeling too well.

Just like not long ago, Nianxin was lying on the hospital bed and did not wake up for a long time. It was suffering for a second.

In this atmosphere, Bai Yujing was not as strong as he was in the operating room just now.

The child is innocent, it is impossible for him to attack here.

Suddenly, Wei Young had a movement.

Li Nianxin also seemed to recover, and yelled nervously, "囡囡......"

Xiao Weiyang slowly opened his eyes.

A pair of bright and dark eyes looked at Li Nianxin and laughed, his voice softly: "Mom..."

"囡囡..." Li Nianxin heard the shout, and for a moment wept with joy, and finally felt relieved by holding her hand.

"Mom...Don't you don't want a daughter..."

She shook her head: "No daughter, mother won't want no daughter..."

"Then why don't you come to see me..."

"Mom is busy... so I can't see you often."

Bai Yujing stood at the end of the bed, looking at the child, without speaking.

He knew why she couldn't see her. Because she was injured and was raising her body in Jiangchuan, she couldn't come back even if she wanted to come back to see the child, and could not be found by the Bai family.

In this way, he knew where she had been trying to slip away the other day.

If it hadn't happened to the child today, he would still not discover her secret.

"What about Dad..."

Thinking of her promise to Qianyi, Li Nianxin paused, but seeing Wei Young just woke up, she couldn't bear it, so she just said, "Dad is making money and buying a lot of toys for her daughter."

Xiao Weiyang saw Bai Yujing and asked strangely: "Mom...has an uncle..."

Li Nianxin glanced at Bai Yujing, and said to the child: "He is not an uncle, but a grandpa."

"Little grandpa..." Nuann asked ignorantly, "Mom, what is little grandpa?"

"Little grandpa is just mother's uncle."


Bai Yujing was speechless.

Dad hasn't become a grandfather yet, but he became a grandpa first!

"Oh... Little Grandpa..." This time the girl was calling Bai Yujing, "I look as good-looking as Dad, Mom, I like Little Grandpa. Dad is not here, can you let Little Grandpa play with me?"

Li Nianxin shook his head: "My daughter, my grandpa is also very busy——"

"Good." Bai Yujing snatched her words.


Li Nianxin glanced back at him, then quickly looked away.


Hearing that everyone was coming to eat at home, Aunt Li was already busy early in the morning. She went out to buy vegetables and came back. She kept preparing until the evening. Uncle Li did not work overtime and came back on time.

At this time, Chu Chu and Li Hengzhi were still in the police station, cooperating with the investigation.

Li Hengzhi arrived at the scene and alerted the Chief of the Police Department. After hearing this, he went to receive him personally and did not dare to neglect.

There are also a group of people who came from Linshui and hoped to take Chu Chu back for investigation and trial.

Chu Chu sat beside Li Hengzhi, not afraid.

It was not because he was there and knew that he could protect herself and was not afraid, but because she had a clear conscience. Now the truth is clear, and there is nothing to hide. He sits beside her and holds her hand tightly, and she is fearless. .

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