You For Eternity

Chapter 634: Everything is destined (5)

The dark clouds receded, and the bright moonlight filled the balcony. Chu Chu opened his eyes, watching him close his eyes and kiss him affectionately, and his heartbeat almost went wild.

This sentence even more tempted her than "I love you".

This is the most touching love story she has ever heard.

There is too much fate between them. She didn't believe it before, but now she believes.

This kiss is very tender, very long, and very lingering.

After a long time, Li Hengzhi let go of her lips and tongue, satisfied.

This is at the uncle's house, and in front of the child, he will not do too much to her.

"Five years is for you," he said. "It is also for myself. But I didn't expect that there would be an extra one thousand and one. If I care more about you, you will not be so. Hesitate, don't even tell me about pregnancy, right?"

Chu Chu was startled, he had a thorough analysis of his own psychology.

At the beginning, she went to study in Mork alone, and was sent to the hospital because she fainted. After a checkup, she found that she was pregnant. She was frightened. She was completely embarrassed and didn't know where the child came from.

She didn't dare to say anything, even Gu Tong later told her after he made up his mind to give birth to the child.

She also hesitated for a long time if she wanted to tell Li Hengzhi. She even thought, maybe he would discover it himself? Because she didn’t trust whether she would “get messy” in Mork, and then monitor, track, etc...

But nothing happened.

Li Hengzhi was tall and tall, standing in front of the railing, staring deep into the night sky.

"We will encounter many things, but most of the things are not what we can expect. It is like our encounter, our marriage, and even a thousand one."

Chu Chu stood beside him, not knowing what he was going to say, but still listening quietly.

"I liked that woman."

These words made Chu Chu instantly refreshed.

Which one? Which woman!

Xue Miaomiao? Or Yu Zhitong?

Should be the goddess sister? There is always a picture of the goddess sister in one of his books...

Li Hengzhi glanced back at her and found that her expression had become different from before, which was a bit funny.

"So like listening to gossip?"

"Uh...It's okay..." She smiled, "I just listen to you..."

He turned back and looked at the night sky. "Yu Zhitong. I liked her. Once."

After thinking about it, I added the last two words, fearing that the little woman next to me might become jealous and misunderstand.

"Actually... I know..." Chu Chu also confessed, "I went to your study room to find a book and accidentally turned over a book with a picture of sister Yu in it, so I guessed it."

"I know you moved. Xuan'er won't touch anything in my study."

"..." Chu Chu was stunned, "You know all of this? I'm afraid you will find that it has been put back as it is, and it should not be visible..."

He chuckled, "I remember well, even the slightest changes can't escape my eyes."

"So amazing?" Knowing that he is good in all aspects, but no one knows so well... "No wonder you can tell at a glance that I touched your contact lenses..."



"There is nothing to envy. Everything has two sides. A good memory has its advantages and its disadvantages. Because it means that you have to remember many things, good and bad. Too many things circulate in my In the palace of memory, you can't wave away or delete, even a small detail can be extracted, very clear."

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