You For Eternity

Chapter 643: Someone said you are going to divorce me (3)

"People who eat melons. I don't know who exploded my Weibo, I want to see our group photo, oh!" Chu Chu suddenly remembered, "Speaking of which, it seems that we haven't taken a photo together?"

Li Hengzhi had no response to Weibo.

He doesn't play this.

Now their relationship is well-known, almost everyone knows it. They were originally men and women, and everyone was jealous and hated, but since the incident of being picked up by Chuchu, many passersby have also sullied.

Some people say that Li Hengzhi has never made a head-on shot, and it is not clear whether Cui Chenghua's incident was his contribution. Maybe, knowing his wife's past, he has been preparing for a divorce silently these days. Who likes to wear torn shoes?

His wife is notorious. As a man, ordinary men can't bear it. The president of Honor Group, can you bear it?

"Husband, someone said that you are going to quit me, don't want my torn shoe," Chu Chu brushed the comment and broadcast it in real time, "Said that I must have been swept out of the house. It is impossible to have a photo."

Li Hengzhi frowned when he heard those words, "Slap him in the face."

"No~" Chu Chu smiled, "Why do you satisfy them? Let me send it and I will send it? Don't send it, they are so curious to forget it!

The red light stopped, and Li Hengzhi played with the phone for a while. Chu Chu didn't think he was opening Weibo, so the guess had nothing to do with him, so he didn't care.

Chu Chu was because she remembered that she hadn't taken a photo with Li Hengzhi. When he was driving, he leaned over and took the phone away and took a photo, but she just stored it in the phone and did not send it out.

Suddenly there was a reminder on her Weibo, and Chu Chu looked at it and was shocked. Because I turned off the reminder, only the function that my friend Aite can remind is left, but now it reminds her that Jiang Wan Aite has her...

After a while, Ye Ning reposted Jiang Wan's, and even took her for a round.

She paid attention to Ye Ning and Jiang Wan, which means...

She went to the fan interface and saw that Jiang Wan's Ye Ning's name was listed among her fans, and she was stunned: "Husband! The couple paid attention to me at night! Ah, ah, I'm so excited!"

Being followed by the idol, she almost jumped up with joy.

Li Hengzhi's face turned black: "Wife, when I was about to marry you, you were not so excited."

Ye Ning just paid attention to her and became so happy. If she wanted to marry her, wouldn't she faint with joy?

He actually lost to Ye Ning?

"That's different..." Chu Chu casually responded and opened Weibo to take a closer look, only to know what was going on.

It turned out that Jiang Wan posted a Weibo with a screenshot. The screenshot showed that Jiang Wan received a message. Just a few minutes ago, she had saved her name as "Four Master Li": Follow my wife.

After taking the screenshot, Jiang Wan teased: Hey, it's not easy to work part-time these years. The boss is dead and has to follow it. @楚楚 Boss, I heard that you like me very much, can you help me talk to the boss, and give me a salary increase?

Ye Ning forwarded: I heard about the salary increase, so I came to forward it.

Obviously everyone can see that the two of them are teasing.

With a humorous tone, it stimulated another round of discussion.

This can be described as a powerful face slap. Some people in the front said that the marriage of Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu was in crisis and was about to break down. It didn't take long to come to the face slap, and it was refreshing.

A message was concise and concise, but it showed Li Hengzhi's extreme love for Chu Chu.

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