You For Eternity

Chapter 647: Believe it or not, I took care of you (2)

The bath has already been washed, and I was ready to go to bed after drinking the soup and brushing Weibo, but I don't know if I tore it with the black Chuchu for a while, I am tired, and my stomach is hungry!

This is in someone else's house!

But her belly kept crying, she definitely couldn't sleep, so she opened the door gently, poked her head out and looked at it. There was no one in the living room. It was dark. Aunt Li was tired after taking care of her for a long time. Back to the room to rest.

It's early morning, and no one should come out.

Gu Tong gently brought the door to the door, used the phone light to find the kitchen, and turned on the darker light, not wanting them to find out, fearing that Aunt Li would wake up, and enthusiastically came over to help her prepare supper.

"I'm sorry... I'm doing it casually..." Gu Tong greeted the air and found a pack of instant noodles. When they were ready to burn, they brought them to the room.

The instant noodles were still rolling in the pot. Gu Tong waited a little bored and played with his mobile phone to see if anyone else was so bored in the dark of their house, and caught the unpleasant one to tear it up.

Gu Tongzheng was able to tear himself up, his attention was particularly concentrated. He didn't notice Li Tianyou coming out of the room at all. When he saw the light in the kitchen, he went over and took a look. He smelled a scent, and his eyes were still half-squinted. He only saw the familiar ones. Pajamas, walked over.

What are you burning at so late?

One hand was wrapped around Gu Tong's waist, and her chin was pressed on her shoulder, "Mom--"

The word "Mo" came out, and the phone in Gu Tong's hand fell to the ground with a sound of "Pata". He completely reflexively grabbed Li Tianyou's wrist and slammed his elbow back.

How could Li Tianyou react, a scream of "Oh" in the middle of the night, still hurting, the whole person was pulled over by Gu Tong, and he fell to the ground with one shoulder.

"Ah...cough...cough cough..." Li Tianyou woke up with a painful expression, when he saw the person on his body...

What the hell, it's Gu Tong!

Gu Tong's expression was even more exciting. In the middle of the night, someone hugged him from behind. First, he was shocked. The conditioned reflex was overturned. Then he saw Li Tianyou. His mouth opened instantly and he retracted his hand. , A stunned look.

Li Tianyou coughed, his expression was completely high, Gu Tong! You are still surprised!

"Oh mother..." Gu Tong wanted to cry without tears, and wanted to help him up, "I don't know it was you... Why did you hug me suddenly... I became accustomed..."

Li Tianyou felt that the elevator was frightened, and he would be thrown down in the middle of the night. Today is ominous? The body is like falling apart: "Who told you to wear my mother's pajamas... Ah it hurts..."

Li Tianyou was lifted up by Gu Tong, and at this moment, Aunt Li seemed to be woken up, opened the door and looked at the bright kitchen in a daze, "God? What is your name in the kitchen in the middle of the night?"

Li Tianyou covered Gu Tong who was about to talk, and hugged her tightly: "It's nothing I knocked, I burned something to eat when I was hungry."

"You can't turn on the light? Why do you burn so long? Come out and I will burn it for you."

"No need, mom—don't...I'll do it myself."

"What are you doing?" Aunt Li didn't know, so "I did it for you, but you still dislike it?"

"No! Okay, mom, go to sleep, I won't burn it anymore, just get some bread to eat."

"Really? Then I went to bed?"

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