You For Eternity

Chapter 649: Believe it or not, I took care of you (4)

"So, if you want to be your boyfriend, you have to learn taekwondo to defend yourself?"

Gu Tong closed his mouth.

Hey... I'm tired.

"Did your ex-boyfriend just scare you away like this?" Li Tianyou felt comforted when he thought of someone encountering him. At least he was not alone.

"I would be happy! At least there is someone who scares me."

"What? You never had a boyfriend?"


Li Tianyou turned to look at her: "Can't see it?"

Gu Tong became unhappy when he heard this, and patted him: "What do you mean! What do you see? Should I be the kind of person who has made many boyfriends?"

"Hi..." He frowned, "If you continue like this, no one really wants it... I mean, you are so beautiful, no one will chase you in school?"

A cold compliment slammed over, stunned Gu Tong, and said, "Uh...I am beautiful?"

"Could it be that you are still ugly?" Li Tianyou smiled.

"Then since you think I'm pretty, why don't you like me?"

"What's the theory? Whether I like you or not, it doesn't matter whether you are beautiful or not. Although appearance is the first impression, personality is also very important. I have to like a beautiful woman? I can't like a beautiful woman?"

"I don't see... you have a lot of connotations!" Gu Tong smiled happily, "I look so vulgar in this comparison! I just like your good-looking looks haha!"

After the two chatted, Gu Tong was honest and honest.

Gu Tong's frankness amused him.

"Indeed, it is too realistic. If I am disfigured, you will look down on me."

"It's possible..." Gu Tong nodded, "I am a person, I like to look at beautiful things!"

Gu Tong smiled brilliantly. Li Tianyou was also laughing at first, but while smiling, he suddenly watched Gu Tong stiffen a little bit.

He has never experienced love at first sight, and no one knows when there will be sparks between two people. It may be a moment, or it may be a sudden whim.

It’s like now, the light is shining above her. In a space, there are two lone men and women. He is still naked. She even wears only pajamas. Her mother’s clothes are a bit bigger for her. She moved a little, her neckline down. Drop.

I can't help but remember the body touch in the kitchen just now...

He didn't know whether he was dazzled by her smile or suddenly got surprised.

Li Tianyou turned around abruptly and exhaled.

Man, it's still a lower body animal! Time to fight!

He obviously doesn't like Gu Tong, how could he have such an idea.

Li Tianyou suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and didn't dare to continue like this. He picked up the T-shirt on the bed and said, "It's alright, that's it. It's not early, and you go back to bed."

Gu Tong didn't take it to heart, "Oh".

Li Tianyou got dressed and sent her out.

Gu Tong walked ahead, and Li Tianyou was tall, following her.

As soon as the door opened, she just walked out, and suddenly backed away, hitting Li Tianyou's arms all of a sudden, and said softly and anxiously: "Close the door, close the door!"

Suddenly throwing in his arms, and this violent impact, made Li Tianyou stunned. When he found that his father had come out again, he quickly closed the door.


What day is this! Why are you up in the middle of the night!

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