You For Eternity

Chapter 652: Mr. President likes to be a father (2)

"It's a coincidence. I didn't fall asleep either. Maybe it was the first time I came to your house and I was not used to it."


In this way, the air solidified again.

However, this also shows that the two reached a consensus on the sudden incident last night: nothing happened!

Gu Tong thought, this is fine, and we don't have to be so embarrassed to meet in the future.

Men... normal, right?


Chu Chu's Weibo incident is still being fermented.

Many viewers who went to bed early expressed regret that they could not catch up with the live broadcast, and went to the Weibo of several parties to feel the residual heat.

The only regret is that Li Hengzhi still did not open Weibo. The unavailable is always in a commotion, and he expressed his stance on Chuchu's Weibo, hoping that he can open more and more comments on Weibo.

Chu Chu was going to the TV station today, but Li Hengzhi did not allow it.

Because the residual heat of the Weibo incident has not dissipated, if Chu Chu goes to the TV station, there is no guarantee that there will be no danger. Even if there is no danger, she can hardly resist so many gossip mouths.

"Leave my son!" Li Hengzhi lifted Qianyi from the child seat and tidied his clothes. "Will you not go to the Children's Palace today?"

Qianyi blinked and didn't understand, "Then where are we going?"

"How about visiting my company?"

"!!!" Chu Chu put down the tableware and suddenly raised his head, "You want to take Qianyi to the company?"

"What's wrong?"

"..." Chu Chu blinked and said, "What's the matter? If you take Qianyi to the company, isn't it just exposed?"

"What's wrong with the exposure?" Li Hengzhi replied. Seeing that Qianyi was in a good mood, and helped him get his hair done. "Qianyi was originally my son, so it doesn't matter if people know it. Isn't it a son?"

"Um..." Qianyi frowned, "Actually I'm quite troubled, and I don't really want to go."


Junlang's little brows are still tightly locked, "Trouble."

One of Li Heng was amused: "What's the trouble? Take you around, you don't have to do anything."

"It's troublesome to deal with, I will become like a mother and don't like being noticed."

Chu Chu understands this in her heart, because she has eyes that are different from those of ordinary people since she was a child, and her super-high IQ and EQ have always been regarded as "alternative" existences, so Qianyi has never liked high-profile.

Chu Chu stood up and hugged Qianyi over: "I should send Qianyi to the Children's Palace. You are so dazzling, you have become the focus of attention even with me."

"..." Li Heng was tired, "Too famous, blame me?"

Chu Chu and Qianyi rarely unified the front and nodded: "Blame you."

"All right, then I'll drive you over."

He is already low-key enough, and he will generally turn off interviews with TV stations. It is not necessary to go, and he will never go. But everyone knows him, what can be done?

But since his wife and son don't like this way of life, he will naturally follow them.

"Qianyi, have you ever thought about going to a kindergarten? Get to know some kids."

Li Hengzhi hopes that his son will have a good childhood and make more children of the same age...

Don't be like him.

Qianyi sat on the safety seat, holding a Rubik's Cube in his small hand, turning his fingers quickly, and he recovered in 30 seconds, and threw it aside boringly: "It's boring..."

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