You For Eternity

Chapter 656: Mr. President likes to be a father (6)

The fact that Qianyi is Li Heng's son will be picked up by the media one day. It is only a matter of time.

Once they accepted this kind of thing, Chu Chu and Qianyi didn't care about the eyes of others.

Li Hengzhi had long been used to it.

For a moment, Chu Chu saw the mirror image of their family of three on the front reflective glass, and was moved.

Such a scene, she really couldn't even think about it before, and she never had the confidence that it could come true.

Now it's true, looking at it this way, there is still so much unreal feeling.

When checking out, the cashier was stunned when he saw them, "You are not..."

It seems that the cashier is also a gossip.

When she saw the child Li Hengzhi held in her arms again, her eyes widened.


Seeing that Qian Yi got off the car and ran to the hospital without waiting for them, Chu Chu looked at it and said with a smile: "It seems that if you want to change Qian Yi, you have to make a beautif..."

Li Heng got out of the car and kissed her, counted as kissgoodbye, "Come here to pick you up later."

This was the first time that Chu Chu came to see her after Wei Young's accident, so it was also the first time to meet Nianxin.

Qianyi played games with Wei Young in the room, and the two adults sat outside and chatted for more than half an hour.

Suddenly Chu Chu's cell phone rang and saw that it was a message sent by Gu Tong, so she hurriedly read Weibo.

She opened Weibo and looked at it. Needless to say, the photos of their family of three visiting the toy store were posted on the Internet by PO of passers-by, and now the Internet has exploded——

Not only did Li Hengzhi get married, he also had children! !

They speculated that the child's age was between four and five years old. That is to say, Mrs. Li was pregnant with the child not long after they were married, and this incident was not revealed until now!

This news is even more exciting than the news of Li Hengzhi's marriage.

A large number of melon-eating people flocked to Chu Chu's Weibo and said that these days, one after another, can they come slowly? Little heart can't stand it!

It is more envy and jealous than hate, because Qianyi baby is so popular, especially he has a pair of ice blue eyes that are different from ordinary people, beautiful as a starry sea, which makes people yearn for.

How could there be such a cute and beautiful Xiao Zhengtai? Countless fans!

But at the same time, countless people have discovered that neither Li Hengzhi nor Chu Chu have ice blue eyes. What are the children's eyes...?

Conspiracy theories are everywhere, and some people even start posting ridicules. Mr. President likes to be a father!

And Ye Yunshen was not blue-eyed, and there was no mixed blood system in his ancestors. Ye Yunshen's "Daddy No. 1" was eliminated, and rumors about the corruption of Chu Chu's private life began to spread.

"These people's mouths are really dirty!" Li Nianxin was also irritated, "Do you think you can mess with people by hiding behind the Internet?"

Li Nianxin cursed, so he called Li Hengzhi: "Brother, look at Weibo, you can't ignore it!"

Li Nianxin hung up the phone, and Chu Chu received his message: leave it to me.

Later, several users with high levels of reposting and following on Weibo were all handled separately by Honor's Legal Department, and the official lawyer letter was sent out. Moreover, the official WeChat account is constantly updating the list of users to be sued for defamation, and a new batch appears almost every ten minutes. The crackdown and determination are unprecedented. In less than an hour, the situation is calm...

Chu Chu finally felt Li Hengzhi's vigorous and resolute style positively, and understood how he handled his own affairs before.

With him, I feel at ease.

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