You For Eternity

Chapter 658: Reincarnation is a technical job (2)

Didn't hear the whole process, maybe they weren't killed together? But if there is no murder, why...

"I don't know, I don't have an impression of my mother, and there are no items or photos of my mother at home. The only thing I know is this."

Chu Chu took out the tag from the collar.

Turning to the past, facing it calmly, she combined the two people's things into one and kept wearing it. Fortunately, the truth has been cut open, and she has nothing to hide anymore.

"I heard that this is the only thing my mother left for us. My father never mentions our mother. He just said, let us wear it well, because maybe one day...I will see my mother again."

"Can you really see me again?" Li Nianxin asked, "The world is so big...If it were me, I wouldn't expect it. Since I didn't want me at the beginning, what if I knew each other."

Chu Chu shrugged: "It doesn't matter. It doesn't mean my mother, but my sister. It used to be and is now even more so. As for my mother, whether I left alive or has gone to heaven to be with my father, I don't want to know. I didn't even think about going to find her. Because of this, when I had Qianyi, I couldn't let him go anyway. I was the only relative with blood."

Because he wanted to know the truth, Li Nianxin kept listening. After listening, he realized that the atmosphere was not right. He hurriedly grabbed her hand and held it: "Don’t think about my sister-in-law, that’s all in the past. Now there is my brother, Qianyi, there are still many relatives and friends."


It was also suddenly remembered, so he mentioned it to Nianxin.

Because she was very young, she didn't have any impression of what happened in the past. She didn't have any psychological shadows. She didn't see anything, and she didn't understand many things as early as her sister. She learned a lot later. Of course, it may have been forced by Cui Chenghua later, and he had to make himself stronger.

Therefore, human potential is unlimited. If the sister is always by her side, she will still be the one who only knows to be protected, and will never grow up.

A person, knowing that no one can protect himself, will think of starting from himself and protecting himself.

Look, for so many years, she has not survived without the protection of her sister?

Bai Yujing came from a distance, followed by several black-clothed entourages with his own aura.

When he saw that they were outside, he asked, "Did the daughter sleep?"

"No, Qianyi is playing with her inside."

Seeing Bai Yujing entering without a word, Chu Chu suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. She thought, after hesitating for a long time, she still pulled Li Nianxin and asked quietly: "Nianxin, I have a question I want to ask you for a long time, is it Weiyang..."

Even though Chu Chu didn't say the name of that person, Li Nianxin understood it in seconds, and shook his head suddenly: "Of course not! Sister-in-law, what are you thinking about!"

Isn't it?

Nianxin likes Second Master Bai so much, so looking at Wei Young, she has a very bad instinct.

Seeing Nianxin's denial, Chu Chu didn't know if he should believe it, but on the surface, he still believed, and nodded: "Well... it's not just fine."

If yes, then...

They are uncles and nephews!

Shouldn't it be true?

Chu Chu thought about it, Nian Xin liked Second Master Bai, but Second Master Bai didn't like Nian Xin, he always had a measure in his heart.

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