You For Eternity

Chapter 674: At your own risk, or apologize (6)

So in the future, even if Li Hengzhi's teaching is wrong, she will not point it out in front of the child, and choose a time when Qianyi is away, and then talk to him about education.

What happened today... She was actually on Qianyi's side, but since he said this, she listened too, without interrupting or refuting.

Qianyi Nunuzui: "Um...I'm not good at pushing people. I was so angry that I couldn't hold back it. I will reflect on it."

Li Hengzhi raised a smile: "I mean, you should slap your face directly. You are a child, it doesn't hurt or itchy to push her, next time let her squat down, you can still feel a little when slapped on the face."

Thousand One: "..."



Mr. President, is it really good for you to teach your children like this!

"Dad... OK?"

"Son, remember one sentence, when you can't bear it, you don't need to bear it anymore."


After Qianyi didn't go to the Children's Palace and had nothing to do, Li Hengzhi took him to the hospital and played with her daughters and daughters, so that they would not be boring to have a company with each other.

"This is not the way to your company..." Chu Chu glanced at the street sign outside, which seemed to be...

"No, before going to the company, I will take you to a place."

When the car stopped, Chu Chu looked around: "Police station?"

Stopped in front of the police station, there is no other place except here, right?

Li Hengzhi got out of the car first, went to the passenger seat and opened the door for her, carefully guarding her head and helping her out.

Chu Chu felt a little strange: "What are we doing here at the police station? Visit Director Liang?"

"Just go in." Li Hengzhi took her hand and went in.

There are unexpectedly many people in the police station today. What day are they all coming to the market? And there are men and women of all ages, the oldest can be her grandfather, the youngest... Isn't she only 13 or 4 years old?

Why are the children here...

As I was thinking, it seemed that it was the child’s mother who led the child to them and bowed greatly: "I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Mrs. Li, I apologize to you for our ignorant child. I hope you have a lot of them. Don't worry about your children."


"Our child is always behaved! I don't know what I have watched on the Internet, he has broken his studies! I must educate him!"

The kid also lowered his head: "Sorry sister... I just think it's fun... I don't know it will bring you harm, I was wrong... Never again."

Chu Chu understood all of a sudden, and the people who looked at this police station were dumbfounded: " they are... those who spread rumors and slander me on the Internet? Did you really get the police station here?"

She thought...just a few letters from lawyers to scare people...

It’s a waste of time for the president of his group to take time to do these things...

"Such a small thing... don't bother you to do it, right?" Chu Chu was a little flattered.

Li Hengzhi looked at her and said, "Your affairs are all major events."

Chu Chu glanced at those people again. They really belonged to everyone. Some looked gentle, some looked delicate and could not be seen at all. They were on the other side of the network and could do those things. , I really know people and don't know the heart.

"They are all the people who are following the blog, and they are rushing to find their presence in the focal events. Since they like to be followed so much, I will find them all and let the law sanction them," Li Hengzhi said lightly. "As for this child, since he has known his mistake, forget it."

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