You For Eternity

Chapter 677: It's okay to kiss her in public (2)

Chu Chu knew that she had considered this too.

Li Hengzhi is such a superficial person, because she is the most beautiful, so let her be the chief secretary? Beauty is nothing more than her bonus.

"Madam, you don’t know. The president is in a better mood recently. We dare to say a few more words. But sister Josie is different. She dared to make jokes with the president whenever and wherever! Even if the president puts on a face that can turn his face at any time Face, it's scary! But sister Josie is not afraid, she is so courageous!" said the little secretary, sincerely complimented.

But they all think that the president is in a good mood recently, and that must be the credit of the wife and the little prince!

"I have been in the company for so long, and I have never seen anything that Josie sister can't handle! She seems to be omnipotent. Madam, how can a person be so perfect, beautiful, good personality, and strong. Our sister Josie has all the advantages!"

Everyone was full of praise for Josie, and couldn't stop talking about it. Chu Chu is a little envious of such a working environment, everyone is harmonious, isn't it good? Happy at work!

Hmm... how about she quit her job at the TV station and came to work at her own home?

Uh...but eating on the face doesn't seem so good?

"What are you talking about! Isn't there still our wife? Madam is also a beautiful and well-educated wife! The most important thing is that our wife can actually break through the encirclement, and we have already settled our overbearing president! This is really amazing. Isn't it awesome!"

"Uh... not dare, not dare..."

She feels guilty!

Although... can handle Li Hengzhi, she herself feels quite incredible.

After all, that is the No. 1 male **** in everyone's mind in Haicheng, who doesn't want to marry him.

"Madam, I heard that you graduated from the Mork Conservatory of Music. Why did you go to work on the TV station?"

Because of the arrival of Chu Chu, the secretariat has become a gathering place for gossip.

Therefore, until Li Hengzhi returned, Chu Chu could not leave here for half a step. However, I was very happy to chat with them. Knowing what Li Hengzhi had in their eyes before was a lot of understanding, not for nothing.

Josie will report to Chuchu as soon as she comes back: "Beauty, I'm back~~~"

Li Hengzhi caught her shoulder and pulled it back, protecting Chu Chu behind her, and said solemnly: "Josie, if you hit my wife again, you can pack my things and go."

"Ah..." Josie looked very hurt. "Boss, I've done my best for you and died. Are you treating me like this? It hurts."

Li Hengzhi could not say a word too much, so he pulled Chu Chu away from the secretariat.

Josie yelled without giving up: "Bring Qianyi next time~"

Chu Chu was dragged by Li Hengzhi and asked, "Don't you really want to let Josie go? She's just joking and can't really do anything to me."

"I know."

"Then you said that... It's good for Josie to not take it seriously, but if you take it seriously, it's really hurt."

Li Hengzhi stopped, turned his head to look at her, and sighed: "Thank God if you can get hurt, it proves that she is still alive."

"?" What do you mean? Think about it the other way around, is she not hurt?

Who will not get hurt? Chu Chu thought for a while, it was probably someone who had died of heart.

Is Josie? But look at her, it doesn’t look like...

"Don't worry about her. Compared with the average person, you are in the upper class, but compared with her...Be careful you are sold by her, and still help her foolishly count the money."

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