You For Eternity

Chapter 684: Say, how many husbands do you have (3)

Chu Chu crossed his legs, looked down at Qianyi next to him, and said with a smile, "Baby, watching TV with Mom and Dad makes you so unhappy?"

Qianyi scratched his head: "It's not that I'm unhappy. Didn't you let me watch idol dramas less? Saying it is no nutrition."

The two fathers and sons had just finished taking a shower, and their hair was half-dry, falling softly and slightly curled down. This slick look is invisible to most people.

Chu Chu looked at their father and son with great satisfaction, thinking that if the two father and son didn't talk about their looks, they would feel like they were inexplicable. People who said that they weren't father and son would doubt it. Those people on the Internet really watch the excitement. Find them some unhappiness.

The three of them wore parent-child pajamas, and the scene was harmonious and warm.

Li Hengzhi's big palm suddenly pressed on Qianyi's head, and his soft hair was pressed down.

"If you don't watch TV and you want to study the Rubik's Cube, then you should sit here obediently. If you don't watch it, you can just let it go."

Having said that he would give Qian Yi's brain a little time to relax, he didn't want to see his son continue to develop his intelligence excessively.

Why are you so worried when you are only five years old?

Fruits and snacks are placed on the coffee table.

The start time of "Starlight" had not yet arrived, and the three of them sat in a row. Chu Chu took the remote control and turned to the entertainment news station.

On the TV screen, several photos of Jiang Wan, who was traveling low-key in a peaked cap, were photographed walking with a mysterious man.

The distance is a bit far away, and it is not a frontal view. From the side, it does look like Jiang Wan's. As for the man's face, it is even more blurred, almost unable to see clearly, and has no clue.

"Oh, it seems that it is really Jiang Wan." Chu Chu also finally changed from being a follower to a melon-eater who followed others.

This is to Li Hengzhi.

Li Hengzhi faintly replied: "It does look alike."

The reason for saying like is that no one is sure if that person is Jiang Wan. Legally speaking, “like” has no legal basis.

Using the word "suspect", even if Jiang Wan wants to file a complaint, the result can be imagined.

"Husband, don't you care about your friends?"

Qianyi raised her small eyebrows: "Mommy, I don't jump at your low-handed tricks, let alone Dadbi."

Li Hengzhi smiled, rubbing Qianyi's little head, smiling without saying a word.

Chu Chu hummed, silently.

The father and son both hanged her and beat her. How great?

My own IQ can only be ranked third in the home, the blame is strange, their father and son are too much!

Without any suddenness, Jiang Wan's news just jumped over, and the gossip that followed immediately caused Chu Chu to squirt out the drink in his mouth.

"Oh!" Qianyi blinked, "Our little peach is on TV!"

It happened to be the scene of Li Hengzhi kissing her at the door of the company.

Chu Chu suddenly covered Qianyi's eyes: "Little children, don't look at such disharmony."

Qianyi avoided Li Hengzhi's side, and said indifferently, "I haven't seen you Bobo before, so what happened?"


This time is great, not only on the Internet, but also on TV!

The station only selected the most popular broadcast, and the two hosts laughed while discussing, and the conversation was enthusiastic, and said that it was a pity that they had not been able to watch the Lives in a lifetime series.

The words are ridiculous and humorous.

The landline rang, Li Hengzhi was the closest, and he reached out and picked it up: "Hello?"

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