You For Eternity

Chapter 687: Say, how many husbands do you have (6)

Isn't she often chatting on the Internet and chatting with Tongtong? She forgot about it...

Chu Chu bit her lip in grief, crying without tears. Husband, I drank a few jars of vinegar and almost killed her!

After Gu Tong learned about her, he almost broke his breath on the other side of the phone with a smile, and became very angry: "Okay, Gu Tong! Are you gloating like this?"

" guys are about to laugh me to death! Why is this big president so cute when he is jealous! Does he not know that it is popular now? I have changed husbands for several generations. !"

"Smiles! You have to laugh!" He hung up the phone with a grunt.

"Hey, wait, wait—then take you to see Ye Ning today?"

"How do I know... the situation last night, I have to say more about Ye Ning, I won't see the sun this morning!"

"Hey, then you can do it, if you still go, remember to notify me! I want to go too!"


She didn't care about her anymore, knowing to see her husband!

"Husband Ye Ning doesn't belong to me either~~ If human nature is useless, the key is to see my husband! Oh, love you!"

Chu Chu hung up the phone angrily, climbed out of the bed, his legs trembling all the time, endured the soreness and went to wash.

On Weibo in the past two days, because the short interview was a good head, it can be seen that the two of them have a deep relationship. Chu Chu loves Li Hengzhi, and Li Heng loves Chu Chu. Their relationship is not Public|Opinion can be destroyed.

So Chu Chu pulled another wave of hatred, and everyone was jokingly saying that if she can marry Li Hengzhi, she must have saved the universe in her previous life! Anyone who has changed this can be so happy that they can’t close their legs every day~~

Chu Chu thought to herself, it's true that the legs can't be closed,'s not fake to be tired!

The President is very energetic, and if this continues, she will wilt before she can squeeze him out!

Chu Chu was like a flower bone that had been destroyed after a rainstorm, tremblingly holding the stairs down, and the two of them sat at the dining table for breakfast.

"Oh!" Qianyi first saw Chu Chu, "Mommy, you are up, Dad said you will sleep until the afternoon, so you didn't prepare your breakfast."

Don’t you usually sleep until the afternoon?

Li Hengzhi narrowed his eyes, and a chilling light radiated from his eyes.

Hurry to see Ye Ning?

"It seems that the amount is not enough." Li Hengzhi drank the black coffee he had cooked, and said indifferently.

"What is not enough?" Qianyi asked ignorantly, "Is it coffee? Do you want to add sugar?"

"No need to."

"Your dad drinks coffee without sugar, he likes black coffee," Koko! Chu Chu twitched the corners of her mouth a few times, and a bright smile appeared on her face, "My husband is early~"

It's not enough! She is very sleepy and aches all over her body. Is it great enough? It’s just too tired, but it’s not enough to pass out completely, so I can’t fall asleep!

"Yeah," Mr. President laid down the coffee cup leisurely, "My wife is early and looks good."

"No!" Chu Chu widened his eyes and shook his head, "I just woke up and scared me to death, pale and pale without a trace of blood! I thought I was sick... now I have a light makeup, so my complexion looks good."

"What are you doing with makeup? Wife, are you going to go out?" Li Hengzhi knew it, but asked deliberately.

Qianyi watched silently, saying that she was still too young to understand what they were talking about!

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