You For Eternity

Chapter 702: Didn't Shanda like you? (3)

This is a fixed fact, Liu Hui thought, there is no way. Qian Chuchu was married, and the child was born. Even if the child was not his, Li Hengzhi wouldn't say anything, so what else could they do to stop him?

I had no choice but to comfort my daughter: "Well, you, take your heart. It's not a way for you to compare with her all the time. Who can make you better than others?"

"Mommy!" Qian Churui was furious, "Who are you helping!"

"You are my daughter, who am I not going to help you? But when did you listen to me since you were a kid? You were just a playful person who made you study hard! You can't compare your grades and grades, and you can't do music or music! Everyone who was a monk was admitted to the Mork Conservatory of Music!"

Isn't it?

The person who had a talent for music since childhood was her sister Chu Nian, but after the age of fifteen, that person became Qian Chuchu! It only took her three years to catch up with her sister, and she was admitted to such a prestigious school. Now that I think about it, she still feels that she is terrible!

Liu Hui mentioned it and reminded Qian Churui: "Huh said, she is a good graduate of the Mork Conservatory of Music, but when she comes back, she works as a small editor in the news department of the TV station. Isn't that a problem?"

"That's... I also find it weird... It stands to reason that although I don't like this girl, she is indeed the same as her sister, she is very smart, and she learns everything several times faster than ordinary people. She has such a talent. How can you not make a call out there?"

I thought that she must have come back gracefully, and she would give a high-profile concert or show off, and by the way, she would ridicule her daughter.

But since she came back, she hasn't mentioned a word about the matter there, let alone any concert.

Qian Churui suddenly thought of something, and grabbed Liu Hui's hand: "Mommy! Couldn't it be... she also committed a crime there? Didn't she still..."

"Don't worry about my daughter," Liu Hui soothed her, "I will drag someone to check on this matter. Tonight, you will act by chance, if the time is right..."

"I know, I must find a chance! Qian Chuchu, this time you are dead!"

Liu Hui is still a little worried: "You can be careful."


Chu Chu has always followed his father's side, dignified and decent, polite and temperamental. Her attire today is very ordinary, but in the eyes of others, it is eye-catching enough to attract the attention of the audience.

It's because of her status and also because of her outstanding looks.

Qian Chenghai has long been used to it, but anyone who takes her to attend will always give him a face.

Sheng Hongchang was surrounded by some people. When they dispersed, Qian Chenghai led his daughter over: "Lao Sheng! Congratulations!"

When Sheng Hongchang looked at the person, his originally smiling face collapsed, and he didn't shake hands. He just said in response: "Why Mayor Qian is free to come here."

Chu Chu was watching.

The shout of Mayor Qian was too strange.

Uncle Sheng is also angry with his father...

Qian Chenghai knew that he was wrong, and he wouldn't care much. There was still a smile on his face: "Sheng Ming is engaged, how can I not come?"

"Are you here to come to see a joke?" Sheng Hongchang didn't pretend to be friendly with them anymore.

"Lao Sheng! How can you think so, how many years have our two friends been together!"

"You still know!"

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