You For Eternity

Chapter 715: Take her back at all costs

Out of the body's natural reaction, he shook.

"Why are you pulling me here? Is there anything you can't say in it?" Chu Chu frowned, "But I think there should be nothing to say between us. What I should say, I have finished talking on the TV that day. "

"Nothing, it's just too noisy inside and quiet outside."

Ye Yunshen said, his eyes fell on her.

Because Chu Chu wanted to avoid his eyes and looked forward, he couldn't see if he was looking at him, nor did he notice that he was holding his arms subconsciously.

Ye Yun unbuttoned deeply, took off his coat, and put it on her.

Chu Chu reacted quickly and wanted to push it away. He pressed it vigorously. Not only did she fail to push it away, she also touched his skin.

Chu Chu immediately took a step back, keeping a distance from him.

Seeing all this, Ye Yunshen's eyes turned thousands of times, as if various emotions and thoughts had gathered.

She seemed... unwilling to have any contact with herself.

This is a kind of heart-cracking pain that he would never feel long ago, a kind of...looked at each other in love, but now it is like a stranger or even hostile.

The little girl who once loved him, relied on him, and changed herself for him, has now grown into another look.

It's obviously the same face, but it makes people feel a very strange smell.

Ye Yunshen is no longer as ignorant as the day when she first knew her identity, nor was he like the brother next door as before. Now he seems to have lost his soul.

He seemed to be complicated. In these days knowing that Chu Chu was not dead, he tossed and turned every night and couldn't sleep. He wanted to go back to Chu Chu, let Chu Chu willingly come back to him, and fall in love with him again. But he was also scared. Now that she has lived with another man in her heart, and even has a child who belongs to them only, the possibility of Chu Chu returning to him is very slim.

Is that how to let go?

It seems that she can't do it, she is very happy, but why should I look at her happy? He can give her more than Li Hengzhi can give her!

He even thought...

He even thought, whether she wanted it or not, he would take her back from Li Hengzhi at all costs!

Will it hurt Chu Chu? He doesn't want to care about it! He is really going crazy by this feeling!

For so many years, I have been thinking about Chu Chu, now knowing that she is still alive, how can he let go of this knot?

Chu Chu didn't want to be alone with him here anymore, and said hello: "I'll go back first."

"Chu Chu!" Ye Yunshen's voice was very soft, "Talk to me for a while. I promise that I won't do anything to you."

Chu Chu knew that she should be cruel and shouldn't leave him any hope, but she just couldn't be softened.

If he treats him hard today, she will certainly not show weakness, but...

She is really very few, it can be said that she has hardly heard his tone of voice, as if she had been seriously injured, and she didn't have the strength to speak.

This feeling flashed a picture in Chu Chu's mind.

In the abandoned factory eight years ago, he desperately tried to save her. He was beaten to the blood and still had to protect her. Even in the end, he lay there bloody, unable to move, speak, and kill. Hang a thread.

Puff through.

The heart beat violently and it hurts.

Some memories, as expected, still cannot be recalled easily.

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