You For Eternity

Chapter 718: I sleep in bed, you sleep in me


Only when Chu Chu opened her mouth, Li Hengzhi cut off her words first: "Forget it, no need to explain."

"I really don't need to explain it?" Chu Chu asked again, "Can I figure it out? I won't say here that I don't need to explain it, and then I silently misunderstood it. Are you jealous?"

"No," he looked at her, nodding his nose, "can't believe you?"

Chu Chu smiled happily: "Aren't you afraid of me cuckolding you? That's my old lover."

"you dare?"

"Don't dare~"

"That's not enough."

Chu Chu took his hand and walked in: "Are you still angry with Ye Yunshen? Would you blame him for killing our baby?"

"Say not angry, that would be too saint," Li Hengzhi said with a solemn face, "After all, that is our child. If it weren't for Ye Yunshen, you plead for him, I would never let him go."

"Alright..." Chu Chu grabbed his hand, turned and stood in front of him, "Don't think about it, the baby is gone, I am also very sad and sad, but this is something that can't be changed. Both. Blame me, I don’t know I’m pregnant, otherwise... I wouldn’t jump into the water so recklessly. After all, he only caused this result indirectly, and he didn’t push me down. It’s not reasonable to blame him."

"I know."

He is not such an unreasonable person, but he can't treat it as non-existent.

"Actually... Ye Yunshen is no better than others, it's someone else. I'm afraid he has already put this matter aside. On the contrary, it is him. Even if you don't blame him, he himself probably won't forgive himself easily. His Guilt and sadness should be no less than us."

Li Hengzhi nodded.

He also knows.

That's why he agreed to Chu Chu's request and did not trouble Ye Yunshen.

Just because it was him, he who still loved Chu Chu, he knew that without them doing anything, Ye Yunshen could not escape self-blame.

"Didn't you say that something happened today? Sheng Ming's engagement is not a big deal. I don't think you usually come here on such occasions, so I didn't tell you. I won't take it to heart?"

"No. I'm done too. I heard that you are here, so I will stop by and take a look. I'll go back with you when it's over. I should go back to Xiangshuiwan with me later, not Qianjia, right?"

"I don't know. Dad might want me to go back and stay for one night. If that's the case, you can go back to Xiangshuiwan by yourself."

Li Hengzhi smiled bitterly: "Qianyi ran to Gu Tong's house, and you don't go back, then what do I do when I go back to staying at the empty girl alone? If you go to Qianjia to sleep, I will naturally go too."

"How can Qianjia have your place? If you really want to go, just sleep on the sofa in the living room!"

"I'm not very demanding, just sleep in the same bed with you."

"My bed can't sleep you!"

"It doesn't matter," Li Hengzhi smiled slightly, "just squeeze. No matter what, I sleep in bed, you sleep in me."

"...Hey!" Chu Chu looked around, but luckily there was no one, "Isn't it okay to open Huangqiang and pay attention to the location!"

"Who thinks too much?" He raised his eyebrows, "I mean, I'm just your bed, where did I want to go?"

Chu Chu grunted at him: "Who wants to sleep with you, so hard! I'm still afraid of panic!"

It was about his chest, but Li Hengzhi interpreted it as a different meaning, and she leaned over to her ear and whispered: "Don't like hard ones?"

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