You For Eternity

Chapter 723: Even the pregnant sister

The two rolled to the bottom, Chu Chu had been instinctively protecting Qian Churui.

Probably because she had lost a child, she didn't want to get involved with the child as much as possible.

For a moment, Chu Chu made the quickest response, letting go of Qian Churui before quickly rolling to the bottom.

Due to her inertia, she couldn't stop herself, so her forehead hit the vase hard. Then Qian Churui slammed into her body and was cushioned.

After finally stopping, the people around rushed up and shouted.

Chu Chu just felt too noisy, sat up all of a sudden, dizzy, stroking his forehead and shouted: "Get out of the way!"

Surrounded like this, the surrounding air is thin!

Qian Churui lay motionless there.

It stands to reason that she was still awake even after hitting her head, she should...

"Ah! Look!" A person exclaimed, making everyone look over.

A puddle of blood flowed from Qian Churui's lower body, frightening the onlookers.

"Don't let it go!" Chu Chu stood up and shouted at them. "Call an ambulance!"

Let's make the phone call, and the rest of the people looked at Chu Chu in horror, as if watching a monster.

There was a lot of discussion:

"Oh my god... it's not as famous as meeting... At first I thought it was just a rumor... and too cruel... even the pregnant sister..."

"It's really unfortunate that Qianjia has such a femme fatale..."

"Even children will be harmed, is her conscience going to pass..."

"This time Qianjia will never protect her anymore? The child is also a life!"


Li Hengzhi and others who heard the news arrived here.

From a distance, I saw Chu Chu standing there bloodied, pushing away the crowd and rushing up.

Sheng Ming yelled to the crowd: "Don't let me get out of here! Get out of here! Look at the excitement!"

"Sheng Ming!" Sheng Hongchang could only stop it.

There are many powerful people or people who have relationships with them. How can they offend casually?

"Have you called an ambulance?" Chu Chu kept staring at Qian Churui, "Hurry up, or the kid--"

"Don't care about others' life and death!" For the first time, Li Hengzhi lost his stance in front of so many people, nervously, and anxiously looking at the wound on her forehead, and shouted, "You fell like this yourself!"

The blood flowed into her eyes, and Li Hengzhi held her shoulder hand tightly.

She can still be conscious, he knows it may not be serious, but looking at her like this, how can he keep his face unchanged?

"I'm fine! Chu Rui—"

Halfway through the conversation, Chu Chu's mind shook. She opened her eyes several times, trying to see Li Hengzhi clearly.

But his vision was blurred as if he was drunk, and the things in front of him became several.

Chu Chu lost consciousness and fell into Li Hengzhi's arms.

"Chu Chu!" This fall almost caused her heart to stop suddenly-if it weren't for her pulse still beating.

He couldn't take care of other people at all. Whether Qian Churui was dead or alive had nothing to do with him. He hugged Chu Chu horizontally and walked out in three steps in two steps.

Sheng Ming didn't care about Qian Churui. Seeing that Chu Chu was in a coma, he jumped down the stairs a few times. Despite Sheng Hongchang's shouting, he ran to Li Heng to clear the way.


In the wee hours of the morning, the noisy night has quieted down.

Li Hengzhi guarded the hospital bed and never left for half a step.

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