You For Eternity

Chapter 744: The marriage of the two children is completely over

Qian Churui raised her head and looked at her, as if she didn't quite believe that these things could be turned around.

No matter which one, it can't be solved easily in one sentence, right?

Seeing her doubts, the corner of Chu Chu's mouth twitched slightly: "As for me, the biggest advantage is that what I say is what I said. Since I said that I turned the article, it is a real article. You don't have to doubt it."

In fact, it depends on the person to punish or something. If she really regrets it, what Qian Churui has encountered now is her greatest punishment.

There is nothing more painful than mental torture.

Xiao Yuanhang is her weakness, and now she has lost her most important obsession, which is stronger than any punishment.

Chu Chu leaned on the stove, finished speaking, and no matter if she understood or believed it, she stood up straight and said, "Okay, good luck. Let's stop here. It is not that important who wins and who loses. I hope that in the future, you will not be offended by the river. After all, you are still your father's daughter. My father has become a lot older because of your affairs recently. If you hurt you, you will surely hurt your father.

"From now on, you and Xiao Yuanhang will reunite with each other, or forget about each other. They have nothing to do with me.

"Oh, yes, of course, my ugly words are at the forefront. If you remain unrepentant, then I won't be polite to you anymore."

Having said this, Chu Chu went out first.

Qian Churui looked at her leaving back, said nothing or thought of anything, her brain was in a blank state.

Qian Chuchu was right. For so many years, she had regarded their sisters as imaginary enemies, and wanted to compete with her in everything.

But this time, the name Qian Chuchu was completely absent from her mind.

Her life should also be well lived again-out of Qianchuchu's existence.

Chu Chu didn't stay in Qian's house for a long time. He sat down and chatted for a few words, and then left Qian's house first on the grounds that Gu Tong was still waiting for her outside.

Chu Chu didn't feel much inside. It was difficult for Gu Tong and Gu Yan to wait outside for a century. When they saw her come out and got in the car, Gu Tong checked her up and down inside and out: "It's okay. Son, you? My aunt, why have you been in for so long! If you have few hairs, how can we both go back and explain to the president!"

"I'm fine, why are you nervous?"

"Can I not be nervous? Not long after you entered, the evildoer of Qian Churui appeared. I thought you were torn up inside!"

Chu Chu smiled and said, "There is no fear, even if there is no father and Xiao Yuanhang, can Qian Churui be my opponent?"

"……That's true."



Not long after Chu Chu left, Xiao Yuanhang sat for a while, then stood up: "Uncle, Chu Rui, I delivered it safely, and I can do business with my mother. If I have something to do, I will leave first."

Qian Churui wanted to say something, but the words were all stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak.

Sure enough... when my sister is gone, he doesn't want to stay long, right?

He may be giving face to his father and try to stay away from his sister for as long as possible, but from his sitting posture, it can be seen that he should have been impatient for a long time.

"Let's go..." Qiancheng Haiqingtan said, "Then drive carefully on the road."

At this point, the marriage of the two children is completely over.

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