You For Eternity

Chapter 748: Two of us, who is more disgusting than whom?

The two of them walked towards the bathroom, and soon disappeared.

Nianxin retracted her gaze, and her smiley face was also closed, facing Lan Ye who was opposite, she didn't have any good expressions.

"What are you doing here? You don't like me... and you came here to eat with me?"

Lan Ye smiled: "Then there is no way. Our two families have to kiss each other, can we not chase you?"

Lan Ye leaned back, looked at Nianxin, and tapped his fingers on the table: "Although you are born humble, it is better for your mother to persevere and stalk Master Bai, and finally give it to you mother and daughter. The life of Bai Xi is dead. You are the only great-grandchild of the Bai family, so I can’t help but chase you."

"Master Lan, I really wronged you. I want to marry someone like me who doesn't deserve you."

"It's easy to say that the second master Bai loves you so much. If I marry you, it will be equivalent to the power of the second master Bai. Who will dare to fight our Lan family in the future? This business is not a loss."

"It's disgusting."

Nian Xin unabashedly showed a look of disgust in front of him, as if Lan Ye never pretended to be affectionate in front of her.

Those were just pretending to be for the Bai family.

The relationship between her and Lan Ye was planted as early as seven or eight years ago. She was only fifteen years old at that time.

"Each each other..." Lan Ye's mouth twitched, "Who is more disgusting than the two of us? If you are known by outsiders, you actually like your uncle in Bai Nienxin, and you don't need to talk about it, Bai Ye will fight Damn you! It's better than... the entire Bai family has lost face."

Nianxin's expression changed: "What nonsense are you talking about! Lan Ye, you haven't seen it for so many years, you have gained a lot of ability to slander others without any ground!"

"Yes, I don't have much evidence, but I have eyes. Sometimes you look at the second master Bai, the same as my sister's eyes when looking at him. I dare to say with certainty that you like the second master Bai, It's definitely not just a liking for my brother.

"Don't be alarmist!"

She couldn't take back her feelings for him, but she didn't want to watch all this become a threat to him.

"I just said it casually. You are so nervous and jumped like this, and you said that there is no tricky? Don't worry, our blue and white two families will become in-laws in the future. There is more time to get along, so let us take a look. , Bai Nianxin, is it really disgusting that you want to have an **** with your uncle! At that time... I see how your Bai family can gain a foothold in Jiangchuan!"

When Bai Yujing and Lan Fei came back, they found something wrong with the atmosphere on the dinner table. Bai Yujing frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lan Fei asked first: "A Ye, are you bullying Nianxin? Nianxin is no better than other girls, you can't bully it casually."

"Sister, how can I bully her? We're talking, right?"

Nianxin's face was obviously ugly, but she nodded: "Yes, Sister Lan Fei, he didn't bully me."

Lan Ye shrugged and said with a smile: "I just mentioned someone who shouldn't be mentioned, Bai Xi."

Lan Fei must also know about the Bai family. Hearing this name, he coughed: "Don't mention it anymore. If you are such an adult, wouldn't you have a good chat?"

"Lan Ye and Bai Xi are friends," Bai Yujing said.

"Yeah," Lan Ye nodded, "he is my best friend. I can't stop mentioning him just because of the awkward relationship between him and Nianxin?"

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