You For Eternity

Chapter 757: Back Kill (1)

"Who knows what will happen after this? Maybe there is still a chance..."

Li Hengzhi didn't notice the whispers between them and walked all the way.

The people standing in two rows bent down and said respectfully, "Good evening, President Li."

Li Hengzhi nodded and waved his hand to show that he knew.

But when he walked past Ji Xuan, he suddenly stopped.

The female colleague next to Ji Xuan nervously tugged her sleeves, her little eyes seemed to say: What are you looking at me? Doesn't this opportunity come?

Ji Xuan raised her head slightly, and happened to have a face-to-face meeting with Josie. Josie has a very good memory, and naturally recognizes her: "Oh! You are not..."

"Hello, Secretary Joe."

Originally didn't want to attract their attention, but since Josie opened the button first, Ji Xuan greeted her.

Everyone was surprised, Ji Xuan knew her?

Some of them didn't know Josie, so they guessed roughly that it might be Mr. Li's assistant.

Li Hengzhi turned around and looked at Ji Xuan: "Why are you here?"

When he passed by her just now, he had already smelled the fragrance that was not strong on her.

Ji Xuan was by his side for a long time. He had memory of her perfume, so he guessed whether it was her, and then stopped.

Now, everyone is even more surprised.

Ji Xuan still knows Mr. Li!

"If you have nothing to do, come out to work..." Ji Xuan replied lightly.

Li Hengzhi looked at her, and looked at her hands that were red with cold, frowning, "If Aunt Qin knew that you were freezing here, I should feel distressed."

Ji Xuan was flattered and hid her hands behind her, and smiled: "It's okay, I thought...I should also go to the outside world to see, I can't live by the Li family for the rest of my life."

Actually... I also figured it out. She has to slowly get used to the life without brother Li. Now that he and the young grandma are living so well, she naturally can't disturb them, and it can be regarded as putting an end to her own thoughts.

Li Hengzhi thought for a moment, then nodded: "Also, you can go out and have a look."

For so many years, Li Hengzhi has never regarded her as an inferior servant. Although she is in charge of his daily life, she has always treated her as a goddess in her heart.

Now that Ji Xuan has finally grown up, he touched her head and said, "Remember to come back when you are tired."

This action of Li Hengzhi surprised Ji Xuan, let alone other people, their eyes widened. Can't believe that the relationship between Ji Xuan and President Li is so good?

Josie walked over, winked at her, and followed his footsteps.

At this time, the outside has exploded.

"Xuan'er! Do you know the big boss? He looks familiar..."

"That's right, what does it mean to be next to the Li family? You are really hidden!"


In fact, Ji Xuan didn't think her identity was anything special, she was just working as a helper in the Li family.

As a result, she did not tell the truth, but only told them that her family was not well. She used to live next door to Li's family. Li Hengzhi saw that their family was poor and had financial support.

This is a reasonable explanation, and you can believe it after thinking about it.

After all, if there is any other relationship, there is no need to keep the gate in this winter, right?

Li Hengzhi was very low-key. At the entrance of Guose Tianxiang Hall, the employee was shocked when he saw him, and he was stopped by him when he was about to make a noise.

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