You For Eternity

Chapter 767: The two of them have an unusual relationship

Fortunately, it was indeed Josie who was protected, and Chu Chu didn't even have a small hole in her body.

The look of Li Hengzhi was a little better now.

Jiang Wan was going to leave, but because of an emergency, he stopped.

Seeing Chu Chu, she turned back and walked back, suddenly holding her hand. This made Chu Chu also surprised, staring at her in surprise.

Even if I have seen it in private, I know that she has a good relationship with Li Hengzhi, but to her, she is still the figure on the screen, who can only watch from a distance, never thinking about the day. What else can you hold a little hand?

Now that the goddess's hand is holding, it makes people feel full of heart and soul.

Jiang Wan smiled at her and said, "I think you are also scared. Go and drink hot tea."

In fact, Chu Chu probably understood a little bit. Jiang Wan knew Ye Yan’s background, and Josie was not what she saw with her naked eyes. She didn’t know what was wrong, but since she knew Ye Yan she didn’t know. , And knew that Ye Jiuye called him, and she knew that these people probably did not live in a circle with herself.

As for which circle it is, there may not be a definite limit. Those who have reached their high position, even if it is not a road to the dark, it should be a long time to walk in the gray area.

Chu Chu is a wise man. After listening to Jiang Wan's words, she knew that these two men must have their own affairs when they meet, and it is inconvenient for the woman to be there.


It's her inconvenience.

"Then let's go outside and wait for you." "We" refers to her and Josie.

"En." Li Hengzhi nodded and watched them leave.

Ye Yan gave an evaluation: "Very smart."

"It's also rare to get a prize from you."

Along the way, Chu Chu was struggling with relationships in his mind.

Just now, the direction the three of them looked at was Ye Yan standing there, right?

Ye Yan kissed Jiang Wan, she was obedient, which proved that the relationship between the two of them was unusual.

It’s been seven or eight years since Jiang Wan debuted. Although her acting career went so smoothly that people guessed that she had a very hard backstage relationship, she was never caught in a low-key manner. Black material, even if some unfounded guesses, can be quickly dealt with.

Judging from their fit, the two have been together for a long time. But there has never been a scandal between the two of them, and it is surprisingly clean. It is quite strange to think about it.

However, even so, Chu Chu did not attribute the credit to Ye Yan for Jiang Wan's success.

She still recognizes Jiang Wan's strength, she can be popular, even if Ye Yan is a certain factor, but it must be because she is good enough.

And judging from Ye Ning's last glaring performance, he and Ye Yan should have had a feast. Thinking about it this way, my guess that he didn't like Jiang Wan was surely inseparable.

What he did before was just to show Ye Yan.

Ye Yan... Ye Ning?

On the way back, the thoughtful Chu Chu cleared the ins and outs of the matter, leaving only this last guess.

"What are you thinking about?" When Jiang Wan came to the lounge, seeing what Chu Chu was still thinking about, he asked.

Josie sat down on the sofa, her legs overlapped enchantingly: "What else can I think about, who is Ye Jiuye, how can I kiss Jiang Wan, and so on."

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