You For Eternity

Chapter 777: Do not jeopardize life (1)

Ji Xuan is not the kind of person who takes other people's favors for granted. The members of Li's family are very nice and have always taken care of her and mother, but people must learn to know themselves.

Coupled with the affairs of Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu, Ji Xuan actually wanted to change his environment and mood a long time ago. Now that he has such an opportunity, how can he not hurry up?

"Alright," Aunt Qin nodded after thinking about it, "You haven't had any hardships. You should go out and exercise your will. If you encounter any difficulties in the future, you won't panic. Go out and see outside. In the world, it’s good to know more people."

It was originally a single-parent family. Ji Qin suffered emotionally. She was afraid that her daughter would repeat her mistakes. He was not in a hurry, nor did he hope that her daughter would only trust her for the rest of her life on an unknown man.

Being able to be a self-improving person and able to take care of herself, then even if she has any accidents in the future, she can rest assured if she leaves first.

Aunt Qin went to clean up the kitchen, Nianxin and Ji Xuan were sitting in the living room, they were holding hot soup, drinking and chatting.

"Two days after Christmas, do you want to spend with Erye Bai?"

"Um..." Nianxin shook her head, "No, spent with... friends."

Ji Xuan also didn't know about Wei Young.


"No, ordinary friend. How about you? Have you ever been with a boyfriend?"

"It's fine if you have! It seems that you can only put your energy on work! Chu Chu must have been with Brother Li, so she won't take us to play together."

I thought about it and laughed: "Isn't it, since our sister-in-law entered the door, my brother has drowned in the gentle village, and there are no two sisters in my heart!"

It was getting late, and Nian Xin had to go back to the hospital. She was only going to come back to take a bath and change into clean clothes, so she stopped talking with Ji Xuan.

Going back to my room, after taking a shower, getting dressed, taking some necessary supplies, and looking back from a corner of the table countless times.

In the end, he couldn't hold it back, walked over and picked up the cylinder.

It is long, thin and round, and when you open it, there is a painting inside. Simple pen and ink, without gorgeous colors, but on the drawing paper, she seems to be a lifelike woman.

I don't want to admit it, but I still have to admit it. It was this painting that prompted her to come back here.

She couldn't remember when she was with this smiling face. Just looking at it, she could still smell a bit of youthfulness, probably during the time she went to Mohai.

Xiaobai has an incredible pair of hands and can do everything. One day she discovered that he could even paint! So she pestered him to draw a sketch for herself.

Later, when she was too troubled by her, he promised her that when she graduated from a higher education institution, he would give her a sketch.

She always remembered this promise, but he didn't expect it, nor did he forget it.

That night my brother gave the painting to her, let her keep it or throw it away, whatever she does.

How to be willing?

So she hid in the mansion. Aunt Qin cleans this bedroom every day, but she never touches anything in it.

Later he told her why she painted her so long ago, because he didn't know what she looked like four years later, so he could only follow the memory in his mind.

"Miss Nianxin——"

Aunt Qin's voice changed, causing Nianxin to put away the picture.

"what is the matter?"

"The second master of the Bai family called and said that no one answered your cell phone."

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