You For Eternity

Chapter 779: I dare to die, still dare not live? (1)

These three, at first glance, are the kind of young people who are idle and do nothing. Although they are not tall and big, they are better than they have three people, and they have a knife...

Gu Tong thought to himself, this is so embarrassing!

Although she has been practicing family since she was a child, the situation in front of her makes her fight with people with bare hands?

What if one accidentally stabbed someone to death...

Gu Tong calmed down, crossed his hands on his chest, and quickly swept his eyes around. In the dead of night, almost no passersby would pass by. The electronic screen on the left showed that there was still ten minutes before the bus she was going to take. minute……

In ten minutes, anything can happen, enough to kill a person.

In case she missed, there would be no one to collect her body.

Not trying hard is the safest consideration Gu Tong made right now.

"Hey..." Gu Tong smiled flatteringly, "Three elder brothers, why don't we have a discussion? The robbery is not needed, this...I am not a stunning beauty, so I can't risk doing this kind of crime. Is it right? I have some money in my bag. If you don’t dislike it... just take it. Go find a beautiful lady and spend the night in ecstasy. That’s the right deal."

The three of you look at me and I look at you, and shook their heads: "Who knows if the lady is ill, I think you are fine!"

"..." Thank you for your praise! Gu Tong blanked his eyes, but didn't want your praise, okay?

"Wear a condom! I will pay the money—"

"Come down!" The man in the middle of the station took a knife and pointed forward, threatening with a vicious look.

In fact, Gu Tong also feels that his proposal will not be accepted. If these people are afraid of committing crimes, they will not be half-hearted!

Gu Tong came down slowly, observing his words and expressions: "Then you...are you going to be here... right?"

"Go over there!"

There was a park not far ahead, and they obviously wanted to take her there.

Gu Tong thought to himself that it is absolutely impossible to go there. If he goes there, he will not go every day, and the ground will not work.

At this time, a couple abducted from a trail. Gu Tong thought it was an opportunity, but who knew that the three immediately showed their knives.

Without warning, the girl took her boyfriend and quickly turned and ran away.

Gu Tong didn't think that humanity was too indifferent. Like the two of them, the skinny and skinny figure seemed impotent, and the three little gangsters didn't know what their personalities were. They really did kill people when they were crazy. Well, this little couple came to give away their heads for nothing.

If you leave, let's go. People save her because of favor, and there is no need to kidnap her without saving.

Gu Tong walked barefoot on the ground, and one accidentally stepped on a small stone. It hurts. There are three small knives behind him that can hurt her at any time. Seeing that she is getting closer and closer to the small park—

A white car was approaching in their direction, giving Gu Tong instant hope.

"Oh..." She fell to the ground along a small stone.

"What are you doing! Get up!"

They all saw the white car, and dragged the floor to get her up.

Gu Tong sat on the ground without exerting any effort, and it was not easy to get her up easily.

I kept looking at the car, hoping that it could receive its own information. It would be better if there were a few big and strong men in it.

Oh! Stopped!

The car slowly stopped around them, and the three gangsters also acted by chance.

"What are you doing?"

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