You For Eternity

Chapter 790: My heartbeat is all messed up (1)

In the elevator, Li Hengzhi and Chu Chu were also heartbroken about Gu Tong and Li Tianyou.

"Anyway, I don't believe they are just for acting."

"Agree," Li Hengzhi said, "I'm afraid that God won't see my heart clearly and hurt Gu Tong, and I regret it later, I am afraid it will be too late. I reminded him, and then it's up to him. I'm not getting awake."

Chu Chu raised her eyebrows: "Maybe soon... the next year's aunt can really hold her grandson!"

Thinking about their lives in the future, it is also a little excited!


Li Tianyou injured his hand, so the driver was Gu Tong.

After driving a section, Gu Tong asked, "Is the heating too high? Turn it down, right?"

"Whatever--" Li Tianyou was absent-minded, supporting his temple with one hand.

She didn't answer the question under the apartment building just now, so she fooled it.

Gu Tong concentrated on driving, while Li Tianyou followed his own posture from time to time and glanced at her on the left.

It's not the same as in the elevator, as if he had adjusted his mentality, and forgot everything just now.

"Are you okay like that?" Gu Tong asked suddenly.

Li Tianyou glanced at his hand holding his head, and said indifferently, "It's okay, it's just a little blood, let it go."

"..." Gu Tong was embarrassed, "Is it possible to follow it?"

Although they are now on their way to the hospital, it's not good for him to treat his hands so casually?

"Otherwise?" Li Tianyou was a little annoyed. After the traffic lights, he suddenly pointed to the side of the road and said, "Pull over for a while."


"wait a moment."


Gu Tong didn't know what he was going to do. After observing the road conditions, he parked the car on the side of the road and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Tianyou turned around, looked at Gu Tong and said, "You haven't answered the question just now."

So stuck in his heart, she looked like nothing else, it was unfair to be uncomfortable with him alone.

"What's the problem?" Gu Tong was stunned for a moment, ah, "I didn't tell you, it was not my first kiss, I won't care, don't think about it. Just such a problem, you let me stop ."

Gu Tongbai glanced at him, and after speaking, he wanted to let go of the handbrake.

Suddenly, Li Tianyou's hand covered her.

Gu Tong stared blankly at the hands they held together, and slowly moved his gaze to his face: "Li Tianyou, what do you want to do?"

She finally recognized the relationship between them, why do these things that would be misleading?

"What do you want to do!" Li Tianyou frowned, "Are you trying to catch it now? Why do you always avoid my question?"

"Who is trying to catch it? Who avoided it? Didn't I answer your question head-on? You don't need a fake show to do it! You neither apologize to me, nor really like me, what are you doing?"

joke! Is her Gu Tong that kind of person?

Although she is usually carefree, she also wants face, OK?

She likes people and they don't like her, then she won't be pestered anymore. It's not bad to be a friend, and forget it after a while, but what is he doing now?

"How do you know that I don't really like you? I don't even know, you know?"

Gu Tong blinked: "What's don't know?"

Li Tianyou stretched out his hand, pressed the switch, turned off the flame, and pulled out the key.

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