You For Eternity

Chapter 803: Never let you go again (1)

Now it was only half an hour away from get off work, which was almost the same as the vehicle during peak hours. The more she wanted to get out of the car earlier, the car was stuck on the road, crawling like a snail.

Whether it was because he wanted to see Ji Xuan early to confirm whether something was wrong with her, or because the driver was Ye Yunshen and wanted to get out of the car as soon as possible, Chu Chu's mood at this time was abnormally anxious.

Chu Chu obviously didn't want to elaborate on the matter, so Ye Yunshen stopped asking.

Neither of them spoke, and the car stopped on the road again, and there was a subtle awkwardness in the car.

You can see that the traffic lights not far away are in a red state, and there are at least twenty cars waiting in front of them.

At this time, Chu Chu saw a building on the right front of them. On the large screen outside the building, a wedding advertisement shot by Jiang Wan and Ye Ning was playing.

The two have a tacit cooperation in the play, and they feel full of CP.

Not long after the ad began, Ye Ning knelt down on one knee and proposed to Jiang Wan.

This scene reminded Chu Chu of Li Hengzhi's sudden proposal to her that day, and forgot that he was sitting in Ye Yunshen's car, and the corners of his mouth hooked unconsciously.

Happiness is reflected in this second.

Ye Yunshen also remembered this picture together.

When the video of Li Hengzhi's marriage proposal came out, he was still in Linshui, and the Internet regardless of region. People in Linshui and Haicheng watched the grand occasion together across the screen.

However, now, this video has disappeared for unknown reasons, and it is no longer available on the Internet.

He thought, Li Hengzhi should have dealt with this out of a certain protective mentality.

In short, he will not hurt Chu Chu.

Ye Yunshen felt the faint sense of happiness on Chu Chu's face deeply.

Originally... he should belong to that actor.

Why... why did it become like this?

Not reconciled, really not reconciled!

If he still can't get Chu Chu after getting all the things he has now, then what is the point of accepting these in the first place?

When he had nothing, he could not protect Chu Chu; but when he had the right, the person who protected her was still not himself!

Isn't he doing these things that he doesn't like doing just for Chu Chu? Open fights, secret fights, intrigues, I deceive, he lives under these shadows every day, really tired of all this...

At this moment, time seemed to stop, the red light was still red, and the car still didn't move.

If this car is now driving to another unmanned world, a world where only him and Chuchu are alone, that would be great...

A strange power that he couldn't control made his hand suddenly cover Chu Chu's.

Looking at the wedding advertisements shot by the couple at night, Chu Chu lost his mind and dreamed of the wedding scene between her and Li Hengzhi in the future. I didn't care about weddings before, but now I watched this advertisement and saw Jiang Wan wearing that beautiful and holy white wedding dress. For the first time, Chu Chu wanted to wear a wedding dress.

Stepping on the red carpet, holding his father's hand towards the lover who is waiting for her at the end... What a beautiful picture like that.

Ye Yun's deep touch pulled her back from that fantasy.

She looked down, trying to withdraw her hand, but failed. He held it very tightly.


"Chu Chu..." Ye Yunshen grasped tighter when she felt that she wanted to escape, "Let's escape, escape Haicheng, don't return to Linshui, and go to a place where no one knows us."

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