You For Eternity

Chapter 811: Where did mother go? (2)

"Where is mother going?" Wei Young asked when he heard it.

"Mom...Go and my grandfather buy tomorrow's Christmas gifts for my daughter and daughter, do you want?"

"Yes!" Wei Young's eyes lit up a lot, after thinking about it, "Is that also for Brother Qianyi?"

"Buy, buy all, both my daughter and brother have."

"Great... Will uncle buy gifts for her daughter and daughter, too?"

"Yes," Li Hengzhi nodded and said softly, "As long as I sleep with my brother, I will receive a good and satisfying gift tomorrow."

"Then I'm going to sleep!" Wei Yang held the quilt with both hands, forcibly closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep.

After getting the two children, Li Hengzhi also solved a problem.

The bed was big, and Li Hengzhi hugged Qianyi to the other side and let him sleep with her daughter.

"Then I'm leaving, you take care of your sister and sleep well."

Qianyi is no better than Weiyang, and there is no need to coax too much. But he was only four years old, and he was still a baby in his eyes. He couldn't help but dropped a goodnight kiss on his forehead.

Qianyi didn't hide, but still a little uncomfortable, shrank his neck, and said awkwardly: "Men kiss men, it's weird..."

Li Hengzhi was amused.

Nianxin looked at it and felt that only Qianyi could make him laugh at this time.

"Little brother is a boy!" Wei Young poked out half of his head, "Uncle and grandpa are men, mom said."

"Didn't you sleep? If you don't sleep, I won't tell you a story tomorrow!"

Weiyang Nunu's chubby mouth closed his eyes again: "I'm asleep...I'm talking in sleep..."

Both adults couldn't help laughing.

The child is so nice, innocent and cute, without worries.

"Then you sleep, I'm leaving."

When Li Hengzhi turned around, his hand was suddenly held. He looked back and saw that Qianyi's little hand had caught him: "Where's mom?"

When asked about this, Li Hengzhi's expression was strange for a moment. But he was afraid of being seen by Qianyi, so he adjusted it quickly.

"Where did mom go?" Qianyi frowned and asked strangely, "I just called her and turned off the phone and turned it off. I haven't contacted me for a day."

Li Hengzhi turned around, looked at Qianyi and smiled and said, "Your mother is not good, and the phone was confiscated by me. Now she is locked at home and reflect on it. If you don't reflect on it, let her not go out."

"Ah..." Qianyi nodded, seemingly understanding, "This Qianxiaotao, why did you get into trouble again... How many times will you be imprisoned all day long."

"Yeah..." Li Hengzhi sighed, "She wants to be half as good as you."

"Hey..." Qianyi sighed together. The moment the two fathers and sons sighed, they looked very mature, frowning and looking very sophisticated, "I'm really sorry, I am embarrassed!"

"It's not difficult," Li Hengzhi was amused by his little old man's appearance, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "My wife, I will teach you well, don't bother you, do you know if you sleep well?" The hand scratched his nose.

"Um... well..." Qianyi nodded reluctantly, and narrowed her eyes slightly. "But Dadbi, let me teach you a little bit so that she won't make any more mistakes next time. I will feel distressed. Give her a chance, I will definitely talk about her next time I see her!"

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