You For Eternity

Chapter 817: Young Pian Pian (4)

Lin En scolded and wanted to take someone to chase the few people just now, but Chu Chu held his hand. "Forget it."

"What the hell!? Boss, your face is like this! If you don't scratch their faces, this anger can be eliminated?!"

"What then?" Chu Chu looked at them calmly, "Then you all go to jail for me? Then I might as well be disfigured."

Chu Chu's words surprised others, especially Gao Yilin.

"Boss..." Lynn was obviously unwilling to let it go.

"Really forget it," Chu Chu frowned, "This little wound, if the scab is removed, it will be gone. It's okay. As for today's matter, just forget it, no one can take revenge for me. until."


"I'm going to stop here! If you still recognize me as the boss, just listen to me! You are about to graduate, you must not make trouble again! Is it cost-effective to be dropped out of school? It will pass after a while. I will protect you once, Twice, who can guarantee that I can protect you every time?"

Lynn took the lead in muttering dissatisfaction and said, "We don't want this diploma... It's the boss that you insist on us."

"It's good for you!" Chu Chu looked at them with hatred of iron and steel, "What can you do in the future? One by one will not be able to win."

Lynn chuckled and said, "Let's **** with you!"

"What kind of a mess?" Chu Chu said with a face, "I must be the one who has been recommended to Mingda University and has received a full scholarship for four years. You mess with me, but first get the graduation certificate in front of you!"

Their conversation makes them feel a little fresh.

It's fun, she's a big sister, didn't she lead her sisters into trouble everywhere? How did you urge them to learn like a broken-hearted mother?

This is different from the good rumors!

Besides, how confident this girl is, she will definitely be sent to Mingda! That is a prestigious school.

Ye Yunshen kept watching from the side. What he saw was her profile. The blood hole had already stopped bleeding, but there was a drop of blood flowing down, almost dripping.

She plausibly taught them how they looked, and made him feel a bit of temperature, which was completely different from the one she met in the bar that day.

No one is born indifferent. Her attitude towards her sisters made him understand that she is not really full of malice towards the whole world, and there can still be exceptions, such as them.

When the drop of blood was about to drip on her clothes, Ye Yunshen stretched out his hand and wiped it. Chu Chu was talking to Lin En and the others, completely forgetting who else was around him. He only knew that something was reaching her, and reflexively used it extremely quickly. The speed clasped his wrist and twisted it all over.

"Ah..." Ye Yunshen called out the painful Ye Yunshen.

He is completely defenseless!

Chu Chu's eyes changed and suddenly let go of him.

The other people looked at each other, Ye Chao suddenly pushed the monkey, and said softly: "I remember! I'm so familiar with each other, I said! The little lady in the bar that day...the girl Yun Shen saved!"

"Classmate Chu Chu, why are you still avenging revenge like this?" Ye Yunshen frowned, "If it wasn't for me, your face would have been ruined."

Lynn and the others were confused, "still"? What does "or" mean?

There was something flashing in Chu Chu's eyes, but she soon calmed down: "I told you that day, even if you save me again, I won't thank you!"

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