You For Eternity

Chapter 821: You are the best memory in my youth (2)

Chu Chu's eyes were full of requests, hoping that he could understand what he meant.

But Ye Yunshen didn't speak, he just sat on the edge of the bed, looked at her, and helped her wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes. There is tenderness and pity in the eyes.

"You are one of the few people who walked with me. You are not like other people. You only see those few words, real or fake photos on the Internet. You clearly know that you have even participated in me. The person in the past, you should understand what kind of life I live in Linshui." Chu Chu said lightly, but every word was clear enough.

She didn't believe that he didn't understand what she wanted to say.

She didn't understand Ye Yunshen anymore, and she didn't understand whether his eyes had other meanings. She just gambled, betting that he can still be soft on her.

Thus, she grabbed his hand.

I don't know if her hands are too warm, or his hands are too cold, the temperature difference between the two is quite large.

"The past was too cruel and too dark for me. I even think I can delete it freely like a machine. But even then, I still feel unwilling. Because those memories still have your participation. , You are a light in that darkness, making me feel that I am not so unfortunate."

"Really?" Ye Yunshen finally opened his mouth, even though the expression on his face did not fluctuate too much, it made people wonder what he was like, "but didn't I hurt you? Even though it wasn't me. The original intention, but it still indirectly makes you mistakenly think that I betrayed you, heartbroken and desperate. Unwilling to delete my memories? I even wonder if you wish you didn't know me so that you would not be hurt. "

"What I said on the TV station that day was not my intention. I just wanted to completely cut off that little relationship with you. In fact, I remember the bits and pieces of our past, many details, I thought I had forgotten, but it turned out that I can recall Get up. Just in that dream, I can still remember the color of the reward card you gave me after a certain exam, pink, right?"

Ye Yunshen's eyes flashed, as if it was too much to believe.

"Because you said I was living too depressed. It was obviously a flower-like age, but it was so deep all day long. I should match some bright and youthful colors instead of blindly dark colors. I wore black hair that day? There was a pink hairpin on it, and I asked you if you are awkward..." Chu Chu was looking at the ceiling, as if that scene could still appear in front of her, she actually laughed.

She smiled...

Ye Yunshen looked at all this in a daze.

She actually remembered?

He was not sure if he hadn't watched those videos repeatedly, would he still remember these details after so many years.

He kept the videos in his cell phone back then. Chu Chu didn't have a cell phone at the time. When he gave her a cell phone later, she had something wrong before he could send her these videos.

After that, he could only watch those videos over and over again and chat with comfort.

It's just that how sweet the clips were, and how sad they were at that time.

According to those of his friends, he was simply stunned for a while, and he was completely shocked by Chu Chu's death.

"Do you really remember it?"

He was not asking, but... a happy mood.

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