You For Eternity

Chapter 827: You are sympathizing with Ye Yunshen (1)

Every word of Ye Yunshen was full of unwillingness.

"I can give up everything for her, what can you do for her? Say! What can you do!"

Li Hengzhi was noncommittal about his roar.

"It's not that you can go up and down the fire for her, you are suitable for being together, there is no connection between the two," Li Hengzhi finished, paused, "However, I still understand how you feel."

"Do you understand?" Ye Yun sneered, "You are a big winner now, what do you understand? Can you know how I feel? You don't understand anything... You don't understand what I regret!"

Looking at him, he still sneered: "I regret why I had to bear it at that time! I should have asked her for a long time! What should I keep? Should I keep it for you?"

"You say it again." Li Hengzhi's eyebrows darkened.

Ye Yunshen repeated it again, and immediately received a fist.

Li Hengzhi's fist hit him in the face without hesitation. He couldn't allow anyone to insult Chu Chu!

Until Chu Chu was awakened by the noise downstairs, stumbled out, and shouted: "Stop—"

Chu Chu fell to the ground with limp limbs, looking downstairs, full of worry.


Seeing Chu Chu fell, Li Hengzhi didn't care about Ye Yunshen, and ran upstairs directly.

He saw the pale color all over her face, and he became a little more angry at Ye Yunshen who was lying down on the ground downstairs. His hands were holding Chu Chu's shoulders, so she could feel his eruption of anger spreading.

Chu Chu saw the blood on his fist with a complicated expression.

Li Hengzhi seemed to be able to feel her mood, and said, "Don't be soft-hearted. You have nothing to do with Ye Yunshen."

Even if Chu Nian's death has nothing to do with him directly, but their children are gone, he can't get rid of it.

No matter how great the kindness is, it should be paid off.

"You don't need to plead for him. I will never let him go because of his hurt to you this time."

Listening to Li Hengzhi's tone, Chu Chu felt a little strange.

After several conversations, Chu Chu understood why he was so angry.

After listening to Chu Chu's testimony, Li Hengzhi was still a little disbelief: "Really? He didn't treat you..."

Chu Chu shook his head and denied: "No, he didn't do anything, just gave me some sleeping pills."

Maybe there are other things, but she didn't say, she was afraid of what she would do under the impulse of anger.

Li Hengzhi frowned.

Since he hadn't done it before, why did he use his thoughts in that direction?

Ye Yunshen suddenly laughed, not knowing what he thought of, lying on the ground, laughing.

The whole room is very empty, and his laughter has been echoing in the space.

Chu Chu said, "He did it on purpose."

Chu Chu knew Ye Yunshen's character well, how could he be rude to her?

Yes, deliberately. With Li Hengzhi in his heart, he deliberately led him to the crooked road, deliberately angered him and led him to take action.

He may be just like him, he needs an outlet for venting.

Thinking of this, Li Hengzhi's emotions calmed down.

He suddenly...understood what Ye Yunshen thought at this time.

It is necessary to take Chu Chu away. Chu Chu's position in his heart is irreplaceable, and he can understand the feeling of being unable to love.

Sometimes, the less you can get, the more you want to get it.

The opportunity is here, who can't be tempted?

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