You For Eternity

Chapter 838: Crisis (10)

"Also, this must be kept from your grandfather, right?" Fang Cun didn't know how to do it, afraid that she was confused, and Bai Yuming specifically ordered one more sentence.

"I see." Nianxin answered.

Grandpa's health is getting worse and worse. The previous engagement banquet at the Bai family made the old man happy for a while, and his health showed signs of improvement. Later, I learned about what happened at the engagement banquet, but Nianxin had already turned from danger to peace, so it didn't suffer a big impact.

Now, if he were to let him know that his little grandson was unsure about the life or death, if the old man was irritated too much and the blood rushed up, then he would be incapable of recovery.

"Your grandfather is very smart, and he is not too confused. He has fallen asleep today and shouldn't be looking for you. But if he is looking for you, don't answer the phone if you are in a bad mood."

Just like her present behavior, the old man didn't need to ask to check, he knew that something must have happened.


After hanging up the phone, Nianxin bent down to go, and put her hands together in a prayer gesture.

He is the mainstay of the Bai family. He has something to do, it is better to let her die in that explosion.

No matter what, he will take care of Wei Young.

But if he dies, what should she do?

"What should I do, brother..." Nian was so flustered.

Li Hengzhi couldn't answer, so he could only hug her to comfort her.

After another half hour passed, Nianxin's tears were all crying outside the ward.

Finally, the light went out and the doctor walked out of it.

The two looked up nervously.

The surgeon took off his gloves, took off the blood-spattered mask, sighed, and almost fainted with fright. Fortunately, he immediately took another sentence: "For the time being, I saved my life..."

Greatly relieved.

Even if it's only temporarily, this can relax people's emotions.

"What do you mean temporarily?"

"Mr. Bai is going to transfer to the ICU for key monitoring. For the time being, if he can survive these two days - no, get through tonight first, he can wake up by his own willpower, and he will probably be fine. Others Yes, let's wait for him to pass the dangerous period before we discuss it."

Li Hengzhi grabbed the doctor who was leaving: "What is the chance of surviving?"

"President Li..." The doctor looked at them embarrassedly, "Just... try to survive."

Nianxin changed into sterile clothes to see Bai Yujing, but Li Hengzhi did not accompany her in, and turned back to Weiyang's ward.

Zhan Yan immediately greeted him and asked: "Second Lord, he--"

"Save your life temporarily, you can go and take a look, I am here."

"Then the fourth master is troublesome!"

Zhan Yan looked at the protection levels around him, and then saw that Fourth Master Li was sitting, and he passed.

In the ward, Qianyi and Weiyang were lying on the same bed. They were lying face to face, and they could still hear their voices.

Qian Yi said in an adult-like tone: "Li Weiyang, if you don't sleep, it will be dawn."

"Mom didn't come..." Even though she was too sleepy, Wei Young opened her eyelids with her fingers, "I haven't received the gift yet..."

"The gift will only appear tomorrow, so you go to bed first."

"But mom didn't come..." Xiao Weiyang repeated, "Xiao Bai didn't come either."

"Uncle is here."

"Uncle!" Hearing Li Hengzhi's voice, Wei Yang got up all of a sudden, his eyes sparkling.

"What time is it, you two haven't slept yet?"

Qianyi sighed and sat up, "I almost put her to sleep!"

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