You For Eternity

Chapter 842: Uncle seems to be dying (2)

Nianxin kept staring, even though she was tired and sleepy.

"Miss Nianxin, you are very tired. You should go back and have a rest first. If the second master is conscious, he must be ordered like this," Zhan Yan said, "I will look at the second master."

"I don't want..." Nianxin shook her head, and followed Bai Yujing closely, "I want to watch him here..."

"Miss Nianxin...You really can't do this. If the second master wakes up but you are exhausted, the second master will definitely blame me."

Zhan Yan didn't think about herself, nor was he afraid of being punished because of it, but just wanted to use this method to force her to take a break.

He knew that she was soft-hearted and couldn't stand other people being punished for herself.

However, if it is normal, this method will definitely work, but now it is an extraordinary period, after listening to Nianxin, she just sobbed a few times, and said quietly, "I can blame you..."

Zhan Yan was taken aback and understood what she meant.

Wouldn’t it be great if the second master had the opportunity to wake up and blame him?

Let alone blame, he can be punished when he wakes up, as long as the second master is fine!

"Xiao Bai..." Nian Xin called his name, tears fell stubbornly, "You wake up... I promise you, I won't be willful anymore, I won't get into trouble again, I will definitely I will listen to you obediently. I will do whatever you ask me to do. If you want me to marry Lan Ye, I will marry him. As long as you can wake up..."

However, Bai Yujing lay there motionless, no one knew whether he heard her or not.

Maybe I didn't hear it, or maybe I heard it. I want to wake up, but I feel helpless.

Zhan Yan had no choice but to give up.

At the moment, as long as the second master is not awake, Miss Nianxin will not go to rest, and it is useless to persuade anyone.

I don't know how long it has passed. I am so tired. Nianxin closed his eyes and almost fell asleep. Suddenly, a harsh warning sounded in the ward, awakening her.

"Zhan...Zhan Yan...what happened..."

The machine with his vital signs suddenly screamed violently, and the numbers on it were so strange that Nianxin's heartbeat speeded up quickly.

Within half a minute, the doctor and several nurse assistants rushed in.

She and Zhan Yan were invited out by a nurse: "Get out quickly, you can't delay the rescue!"


Hearing these two words, Nian Xin was stunned. After being withdrawn from the door, he staggered and was supported by Zhan Yan.

Her hands trembled violently.

Zhan Yan glanced at her and said nothing.

Because he was also worried, the second master would never get up again.

The two stood outside the ward, through the transparent glass window, watching the final rescue by the medical staff inside.

His clothes were untied, the defibrillator was constantly shocking his body, and the Joule kept improving.

Bai Yujing's body fluctuated with the electric shock, but the numbers on the electrocardiograph became less optimistic.

Nianxin's trembling hands took Zhan Yan's cell phone and made a video call to Bai Yuming, turned the camera to the ward, and cried, "My uncle seems to be going to do it...what to do...why..."

On the other end of the video, Bai Yuming didn't say a word, looking serious across the phone screen, feeling fatigued.

Whether or not to let the old man watch Xiaojing's last side has become his most hesitant question now.

Grandpa is afraid to blame him forever!

However, the moment Bai Yuming got up, the numbers on the machine changed to zero with a long beep.

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