You For Eternity

Chapter 845: Is my uncle (2)

The difficult night is over.

Except for a cardiac arrest in the middle of the night, he almost died. After that, it was fairly stable and there were no surprises.

However, although the most dangerous time passed, Bai Yujing still did not wake up until the next day.

Nianxin has been holding Bai Yujing's hand tightly, so when she made a move, she suddenly raised her head: "Uncle!"

She thought it was Bai Yujing who woke up, but she opened her eyes and saw that he was still lying motionless in the bed, not as if he had woke up.

Turning her head, it turned out that Li Hengzhi was standing behind her.

Looking at his sister, Li Hengzhi shook his head helplessly.

Zhan Yan told him that she stayed here with Bai Yujing all night, and refused to go to rest. It was useless to persuade her.

Later, I was so sleepy that I fell asleep on the bed.

Nianxin's face, who hadn't had a good rest all night, looked very bad. Looking at her like this, Li Hengzhi's expression would naturally not be very good. He frowned and said, "If you do anything like this, I will I have to use coercive means to take you away. What use is it for you to be here? You are not a doctor and cannot save him."

"I know..." Nianxin looked at Bai Yujing, whose face was as pale as a piece of paper, "I know I can't do anything, so all I can do is stay with him here. Uncle might be able to hear me. Maybe he knew that I was worried about him and was sad, so he woke up?"


This one……

No one knows.

But clinically, there are also examples of persistently speaking with a vegetable and waking up.

The law of life in nature is still very strange. Whether you have a strong will to survive sometimes determines whether you can survive.

I heard that Bai Yujing stopped his heartbeat last night and almost didn't save it. This girl was afraid that she was frightened.

"Then you have to go to rest first. You haven't slept well this night. I'm scared and frightened. I'm afraid your body can't take it anymore.

Nian Xin didn't turn her head back, so she turned her back to Li Hengzhi and said, "Brother...If the person lying here today is a sister-in-law, can you go back and rest in peace?"

Li Hengzhi stopped asking the question of Nianxin.

Put yourself in and think about it, you really can't.

"You convinced me."

"Thank you...I just want to be with him here, I don't want to go anywhere."

"Understood, I'll buy you something to eat. I always have to eat breakfast, right?"

"Thank you brother."

Li Hengzhi stroked her head distressedly.

Seeing him coming out, Zhan Yan shook his head: "Don't persuade me, just let her. It's just that you can watch for me. There must be an upper limit. If it is not right, you will knock her away if you faint. I'm afraid she can't load her body."


Zhan Yan also gave up.

If even her brother Li Siye can't persuade him, who can do it?

After buying breakfast for Nianxin, watching her finish eating, Li Hengzhi gave this place to Zhan Yan, and after a few more warnings, he left with confidence.


Chu Chu stayed with Weiyang and Qianyi at home. The two children woke up and received gifts early in the morning, not to mention how happy they were.

Of course, Qianyi didn't show his happiness very obviously. This kid, the little one, knows to hide his emotions!

Li Heng came back not long after he was out, Chuchu knew where he had gone, but the children didn't know. When I came back, I brought some hearty breakfast I bought outside, and I was able to cope with it.

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