You For Eternity

Chapter 849: Is my uncle (6)

Nianxin heard what he meant by this.


No one would doubt the relationship between her and her uncle, because in everyone's opinion, a good relationship between her uncle and nephew is not uncommon.

Only he would think in that direction.

Does this mean that he is an abnormal person himself?

Forget it, she has no intention of caring about who he is.

Nianxin pushed Lan Ye away: "If you continue to make trouble, I will tell your sister to go!"

"Hey don't, I'm afraid of you." He raised his hands and surrendered, looking terrified, but even so, it was unsure whether he was really afraid of his sister or fake.

Nianxin just felt that perhaps his sister could still play a somewhat deterrent effect.

Lan Ye walked to Nian Xin's side, put a hand on her shoulder very irregularly, and said, "In this way, tell them that I am your husband. Let them open their eyes to see clearly. I am not surprised. People!"

The medical staff looked over in fear.

There are so many people who come to recognize relatives all day long. How can they tell whether they are true or false? So when he said this at the beginning, they didn't believe it, and they couldn't let him in casually before they were sure.

However, as soon as the words fell, he lost his temper. Even if Zhan Yan came over later and told them that they really knew each other, the matter was not over yet, the young master was not happy.

Nianxin knocked off his hand and glared at him: "You love to make it! If you continue to smash, I will tell my brother, you don't have to sell the Bai family's face, how about your Lan family has nothing to do with us!"

She didn't believe that Lan Fei could really indulge him in such nonsense, making troubles with his parents and generations, which was not his Lan Ye's.

Nian Xin turned around and left.

Lan Ye wasn't really fooling around, he also had a sense of measure in his heart, and he just had to do it. He glanced at the person who stopped him just now with an arrogant expression, and followed Nian Xin in a swagger.

A few of the nurse cuties on the VIP duty desk were left to discuss in private: "Really the brother-in-law of the big boss?"

"Not necessarily... You see Miss Nianxin doesn't like him at all."

Nian Xin actually didn't want Lan Ye to come in, but since he was visiting Bai Yujing on behalf of Lan Fei, he had to let him go.

Originally, Lan Ye didn't care about Bai Yujing's life and death, so he probably used this to come to Haicheng to wander around and meet his future wife by the way.

"It looks like it's all right," Lan Ye walked to the bed and shook it. "It's a pity that my sister's husband survived."

Nianxin heard it and stared at it.

The dog can't spit out ivory!

In response to Nianxin's reaction, Lan Ye smiled wickedly, "If your uncle dies, I can still see how sad you look. It's a pity, I can't see it now."

"Seriously, if he dies this time, Lord Bai has no successor, you will be the only heir of the Bai family. If I marry you, doesn't it mean that I have gained the power of the entire Bai family? By saying that...I should Think of a way to make him unable to wake up?"

As soon as Lan Ye's voice fell, Zhan Yan frowned, and pointed the gun at his head at an extremely fast speed: "You say it again."

Zhan Yan doesn't care who he is, if he dares to fight the second master's idea, the king of heaven and Laozi will not miss it!

Although Nian Xin was in Bai's house, she had never seen these scenes before, and my uncle never let her touch this aspect of things.

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