You For Eternity

Chapter 863: You and I have to decide (2)

Nian Xin didn't know what Lan Ye was going to do, but thought that his appearance was a bit scary.

You can't compare patience and rationality with lunatics, because they usually don't use normal people's thinking to think about problems. How do you know what they want to do next?

Lan Ye skipped the topic just now, seeming to be planning to find evidence first.

"I invite you to dinner tonight."

"Why should I have dinner with you? Sorry, I refuse."

"After dinner, we can celebrate the New Year together."

"Young Master Lan, are you inviting me or ordering me?"

What he said should be an invitation, but his expression and tone were completely different.

It seemed that everything was so set, she just nodded.

"If you want to be nice, it's an invitation. If you're willing to listen to the truth, it's an order. You must spend this evening with me. It's a very meaningful night for us, isn't it?"

Nianxin didn't want to talk to him anymore, feeling that it would be wasted to talk to people who didn't understand.

Seeing her go, Lan Ye didn't stop, just followed her and said, "Your brother-in-law must not be with you tonight, because he will be with my sister. Besides, do you have an appointment?"

"It doesn't matter whether I have an appointment or not. Even if I don't have an appointment, why do I want to spend the New Year with you? I feel sick when I am with someone like you.

Nianxin gave a pain.

Lan Ye's arm was suddenly grabbed, and her body slammed into the wall. In the next instant, the other hand pinched her neck, so hard that it made Nianxin's breathing momentarily difficult.

Lan Ye seemed to have changed himself. Although his expression did not change much, his impression was completely different.

If Nianxin was a retreat to him before, and if he could avoid it, he would avoid the attitude of not wanting to provoke him, but now he feels a little scary.

That expression is completely like eating people...

Nianxin didn't have time to think more, his hand almost held her entire neck, and with such force, her brain was hypoxic. Looking at him with red eyes, there was not much energy.

"Bai Nianxin, I'll show you a face, don't be shameless. Do you think you are the real Bai family eldest lady? It's because Bai Xi is dead! If Bai Xi is still there, can the Bai family have a little bit of your place? A mere affair|The shameless illegitimate daughter of women, I can see you as your honor, and you don’t know what it is."

Nianxin cannot refute it now.

If she could refute, she would tell him openly that she had never seen herself as a lady.

It was not before, nor is it now, nor will it be in the future!

From beginning to end, what she is, the Bai family has the final say.

Yes, when she was a child, she wanted to be a member of the Bai family, because she naively thought that as long as the Bai family recognized her, Bai Xi would not dare to bully her.

But later, she knew that she was too naive, so she no longer expected to have the same surname as them, and accepted this fact.

Then, regardless of whether she is willing or not, she is now asked to accept the identity of the great-grandson of the Bai family with all kinds of similar thesis: "You are born in the Bai family and die in the Bai family's ghost.

No matter which kind, has anyone asked her if she wants to?

Her so-called identity was imposed on her by others.

Just like Lan Ye now.

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