You For Eternity

Chapter 873: You want to kill me? (6)

She clenched her fists and exerted a bit of strength, but as soon as she left the water, she pressed another hand on her head, pressed her down, and sank into the water in an instant.

The water overflowed her ears.

Chu Chu is not watery, but before entering the water, he instinctively shut his breath.

But she held her breath for a short time, and only for a while, she felt a little bit unable to hold it.

Is she tonight...

With a puff, it seemed that there was a sound, and the strength on his body was lighter. Chu Chu immediately seized the opportunity and slammed his elbow back.

Without one person's strength, she was able to get up, and with a big mouthful of breath, she didn't see who it was. Turning around, she kicked that person's stomach with force and fell to the ground.

Chu Chu's face was soaking wet, and water drops kept running down her hair.

She leaned on the marble face behind her with one hand, looked at the two unknown women on the ground, and then to her left, the one who helped herself...

It turned out to be Yu Jiajia.

She should have come out of the last compartment. She took a look when she came in. The last one was closed, she didn't think much.

Yu Jiajia held a broom that came down from the corner of the wall in a defensive manner.

She didn't see Chu Chu who was attacked just now, but she was stunned when she saw it.

How should I put it, Chu Chu thought to myself, maybe she was regretting it, she would not be saved if she knew it?

Turning to the right, the messenger was standing by the door, looking at the sudden change, he wanted to escape, and then seeing the terrifying eyes that Chu Chu swept over, his legs were a little weak in fright.

"Mu Qinxin, are you crazy? Do you want to kill me?"

The person here is Mu Qinxin.

And what angered her, could it be that Ye Yunshen danced with her just now?

Mu Qinxin didn't answer, and turned around to run.

But how could Chu Chu let her go?

Just now, Mu Qinxin locked the bathroom door in order to prevent people from coming in. This gave Chu Chu time to run. When she unlocked the lock, the person had been pulled back and was severely lost by Chu Chu. On the ground.

Mu Qinxin fell over at Jiajia's feet, but she was taken aback and stepped back a few steps. Looking up at Chu Chu again, the expression in his eyes was full of incredible.

Although she also knew that Chu Chu had passed, she still felt a little unbelievable when she saw it with her own eyes.

So... she was really a bad girl before?

You can't fake this posture!

"You... what do you want to do?" Mu Qinxin sat on the ground, unable to bind the chicken, and did something bad. At this moment, he was afraid.

Chu Chu was embarrassed, standing in front of her couldn't help but sneer: "What do I want to do? Miss Mu, what do you want to do? What do you take your life for? If you can't take a man, you will kill me, you The princess is sick, and everyone in your family is spoiled!

"I... I just made a joke with you!"

The two next to them should be temporary hired scum, they didn't have much combat effectiveness, but they won by numbers. Seeing Chu Chu's appearance, they retreated to the side, as if saying that they had nothing to do with Mu Qinxin.

"Joke? It's so funny!" Chu Chu walked over, pulled Mu Qinxin up, controlled her effortlessly, pressed her head and plunged into the sink she filled with water. in.

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