You For Eternity

Chapter 877: The new year starts with love (4)

She went back if she couldn't find anyone, lest they came back and couldn't find her again.

After a while, Chu Chu and the others returned to the hall.

At this time, Ye Yunshen was no longer visible throughout the annual carnival.

They were all their own, so they talked with confidence.

"Boss, what can you do now? Ye Shao seems to have made a lot of determination and won't give up easily."

"I know."

He is an attachment. Once he recognizes one thing, he will not easily change his mind.

"Walk and see, I don't know what to do now."

Lin En half enviously said, "Boss, can you infect me with your ability to attract peach blossoms?"

"Give it to you, give it to you!"

Gu Tong got together and said, "I want too!"

"What do you want?" Chu Chu looked in a certain direction in the crowd, "What you want has already come."

"Huh?" Gu Tong didn't know why.

Chu Chu raised his head, pointed at the crowd and said, "God is here."

"What!?" Gu Tong immediately changed his expression, and immediately changed to the appearance of leaving here, "Cover me!!"

"Okay--" Chu Chu pulled her back and sat down, "I've come over, so why run? Sit down, it's not a bad thing."

Li Tianyou came here after receiving Chu Chu's message.

The annual meeting of their TV station is open, and it is stated that you can bring your family members over to have fun together. Anyway, it didn't strictly state how many family members a person can only bring, plus if they are two people, it's not a problem to divide them randomly.

"God is here."

Lynn and the others are clever ghosts, and when you look at their reaction, you know who this handsome guy is.

Several other people have families and are only responsible for being a little nympho. They are guilty, and this person will not be theirs, so similar thoughts are all killed in the cradle.

As for Lin En, it was their Chu Chu eldest friend who liked this person, and she would not pay attention to him!


In fact, everyone has their own feelings in their hearts. She has a scumbag boyfriend who left a debt and ran away, but in the bottom of her heart she always left a place for him. He was kind to her in the past, which made her feel soft.

"Oh! There are so many beauties," Li Tianyou walked over and sat down without fear of life. "Good beauties."

"Good-looking guy~" Several people raised their eyebrows meaningfully when you look at me and I look at you.

Reiko stood up deliberately to pour the water, and there was a space in the middle. After pouring the water, she did not sit down in the original position, but walked to Li Tianyou's left, and said, "Handsome man, can you sit there a bit? "

Li Tianyou accepted the love, smiled and nodded, and moved to the empty seat, just next to Tong Tong.

Gu Tong's right is the armrest of the sofa, unless he stands up and runs, but he seems too deliberate, so he can only continue sitting like this.

Seeing that Chu Chu actually wanted to laugh, he abruptly held back, and winked at Li Tianyou, motioning him to hurry.

Li Tianyou blinked, indicating that he knew.

"If it wasn't for my sister-in-law, I didn't know that your TV station had an annual meeting. I just came over when I was fine."

"Ah... okay," Gu Tong said with a smile, "Anyway, many people are more lively, here are all beautiful women, it's cheaper for you!"

Chu Chu pretended to look at the time and said, " husband seems to have come to pick me up at about the time, yeah, why don't we go out and have a look?"

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