You For Eternity

Chapter 897: Passing by your world (1)

Probably because he was afraid that he might have missed the information, Bai Yujing took the phone over and flipped through it to see if there was any information he thought he had read.


Thinking about this, Meifeng frowned slightly.

Even if you are going to New Year's Eve with others, should you always send a message of blessing?

Suddenly, the phone on Zhan Yan sent a short message tone.

Zhan Yan lowered his head, took a look, and was extremely pleasantly surprised.

It turned out to be a message from Nianxin: Happy New Year, Oh Zhanyan Oppa~

Zhan Yan was a little overjoyed and immediately returned: Happy New Year Miss Miss Nianxin.

After returning, he put the phone up, still standing upright.

When he looked up, he found that the second master was looking at his side.

Lan Fei also happened to see Zhan Yan's small actions, and smiled and said: "I said that I have no relatives or friends, watching Zhan Yan smile so happily. It should be a message from a girl?

She has been here for so long and never saw him smile. She just received a new message but smiled, can it?

It must be a girl who can make him smile like this.

"Yes, the subordinates feel very happy. Miss Nianxin sent her blessings and did not forget her subordinates."

As Nian Xin said, Zhan Yan has always taken care of her, and during this time she has also protected Wei Young very well. During the holidays, she must send him a blessing message.

"Oh?" Lan Fei smiled, "Nianxin is so caring. It's so good..."

Lan Fei took her mobile phone in her hand, clicked on it, and shook her head disappointedly: "It’s nice to have a younger sister at home. It’s caring, at least not like our younger brother, who is so old and never sent me a message on a holiday. Blessed, day in and day out, I don’t know where it is all the time, I just want to have fun with myself."

At the end, he glanced at Bai Yujing: "I really envy you for having such a good niece."

In Lan Fei's view, Bai Nianxin must have sent a blessing to Bai Yujing, after all, even Zhan Yan had received it.

Bai Yujing put the phone aside and said nothing.

In this way, she is not so happy that she forgot, but...

Just didn't send it to him.

I gave Zhan Yan a red hand string, but didn't give it to him; I gave Zhan Yan a blessing, but didn't send it to him.

Recently, I have been pursed for too long, and I often spend time alone with Nianxin, so that...

Nianxin is no longer the little girl she was a few years ago, she is much more mature than before, both in terms of appearance and temperament.

For the thoughts appearing in the dream, and...

That kind of picture filled him with guilt.

That's why he wanted to push his mind a little bit farther. Now that he got what he wanted, why did he start to feel that this result does not seem to be what he wanted?

It seems that I am not as strong as I thought. The child Nianxin often dangles in front of me and expresses his love for him without shy. His willpower has also begun to collapse.

Otherwise, how could he have that idea about his niece?

This kind of thinking is terrible, and he can't go on like this.

If it is wrong, it should be corrected in time.


Happy new year, uncle.

The information editing stopped here and did not continue.

Nianxin stared at the screen for a while, and finally chose to delete all the text.

She has deleted and written the same message many times, and finally put the phone lock screen back in her bag.

Forget it, my uncle is now living in a happy two-person world with Lan Fei, so I'm disturbing him.

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